Every now and then I think we all have a moment when we realize that life is imitating art or vice versa. I had one of those today at my son’s chess tournament.
It was the Latin School Chess Championship at Navy Pier and only the second that my son was playing in. He was very excited as were most of the players there who ranged from Kindergarteners to High School aged. I had a lot of fun taking him there, especially since I didn’t get to do things like that until I was in High School.
Anyway, if you are a parent at a such an event, you spend a lot of time standing around, mainly because there wasn’t anywhere to sit except the floor. While standing around between rounds, I noticed that all of the players were running around everywhere. It was as if walking was not even a valid mode of transportation. That’s when I had my moment, this is like Final Fantasy XI Online! In the game most players run everywhere. Walking can be done, but most never do. This is something in the game that I always think is kind of funny. But after today, perhaps it merely reflects the age spread of most of the players, for whom running is the first and best option both online and off!