Games and Sports

Halo 2 First Impressions

Heh heh! First let me say that I must be the kind of customer that Amazon just hates! Back in August I put in a preorder for Halo 2 Limited Edition just to make sure I would be able to get a copy when it came out. Halo 2 was released in the U.S. yesterday with hundreds if not thousands of gamers lining up at midnight across the country to be one of the first to get a legitimate copy of the game.

I checked my order on Amazon and noticed that not only had it not shipped, it actually had an arrival date of November 8. So I guess they had meant to get it to me by release time, but something had gone wrong. Well, the nearby Virgin Megastore had Halo 2 including the Limited Edition, so being fundamentally impatient, I cancelled my Amazon order and high tailed it over to the Virgin store in the closing minutes of my lunch break. I got the last copy of the limited edition! 🙂 Not only that, it cost me $4 less than the Amazon price with shipping! So I could even brag to my wife of my frugality! 😉 If Amazon did have shipping issues, I wonder if they saw a lot of cancellations yesterday?

As for the game itself, I’ve only had time to put in a hour’s worth of play and have died about a half dozen times, but I must say that I like it! There’s a lot of debate online about mouse keyboard versus console controller for first person shooters (fps). Most PC gamers believe that mouse and keyboard are best, and I tend to agree. But for Halo at least, getting used to using the controller is pretty easy. So don’t let controller bigotry keep you from playing this game! Oh so why have I died so much? Well, I suck! At least for now, and I haven’t read the manual either. I used to be a crusader with regard to manuals, but these days I like to just jump in and see how much I can pick up just playing. People generally won’t read manuals anyway, which is something I keep in mind when designing and writing software for my own projects and work.

Anyway, if you like fps games, this is a good one to get. The graphics and sound are very good and the control scheme is easy to get into, even for old school fps gamers. Hey, it even has a decent story developing. So that’s my one hour review! I’ll add to this later, I hope! The real fun won’t begin until I try it on Xbox Live! Here are some links to other reviews.


Yahoo! Games Domain


A Blue State Of Mind

Like a lot of people, I’ve been kinda down since the election on Tuesday. Part of it is of course the disappointment that my guy didn’t win the presidency. But a part of it is just the emotional exhaustion that the whole political season has wrought. Well life goes on, get over it…

One of the most interesting things about the past election is the entry of the terms "red states" and "blue states" into the American lexicon. Not since the Civil War can I remember any terms that so succinctly sum up the division that has developed in this country. Never before in my adult life have I seen such passion and hatred directed at the presidential candidates. And now as the pattern of red states and blue states is etched in my mind, I think I can imagine how people must have felt when we had free states and slave states. It really does feel like we now have two countries where there once was only one, each side wondering how the other can possibly think and live the way they do. Of course, those of us in the blue states are right you know! 🙂


Stupid Deja Vu

It’s the day after election day and just like 4 years ago, we don’t know who won the presidency of the United States. But you know what? It looks like that dumb ass Bush has won once again and I mean dumb ass in the most positive way… Despite all of the job losses, despite all of the lives lost in the quagmire that is Iraq, and despite our loss of world respect and prestige, it looks like America has chosen Bush again! Not only does it look like he has won, but the voting pattern is virtually the same as the last time. So all of that bad stuff I just mentioned didn’t appear to affect the way people voted. At least here in Illinois, I had the great pleasure of helping send Barrack Obama to the Senate!

There was much talk of the high turnout and many new voters. Well, it looks like most of those voters just went out and voted for Bush. Either that or the voting patterns of the new voters were no different than those who voted in the last election. Bottom line, if Bush can preside over so much bad stuff and still win against a reasonably strong candidate, then America deserves the fool it gets. In the Bible it says that God will give kingdoms to whatever fool He wishes to. Well in last night’s election it looks like that has happened again. God help us!


Election Day Fun

Want to have some pre or post election day fun? Well a good friend just told me about a couple of web sites that show detailed political campaign contribution information. I think this information has been public record for a long time, but now the power of the web makes it very easy to access.

With a few easy clicks, you can see what your neighbors and coworkers really think because nothing tells you where the heart really is like where people will put their money. It’s particularly interesting when you see someone who gives money to both sides! What snakes! They don’t believe in anything, they’re just trying to buy a candidate! As a candidate, I wouldn’t soil myself by accepting contributions from such duplicitous people.

The only thing more disgusting than that is when you come across a pattern of regular contributions by appointed government officials to their political sponsors. These sure look like kickbacks to me!

Well have fun with these links!

Illinois Campaign Disclosure

Games and Sports

PSP Details Revealed: Killing Me Softly…

Yesterday Sony revealed more details concerning their upcoming portable games console, the Playstation Portable (PSP). The PSP will launch in Japan on December 12 for 19800 Yen. If U.S. pricing is similar, then this means the PSP will cost less than $200! Sony also said that battery life will be between 4 and 6 hours between charges depending on use.

Now first of all, the price is unbelievable. Obviously this is meant to be competitive with Nintendo’s upcoming DS which will launch at $149 in the U.S.. But there’s no way Sony will be making a profit on the hardware at $200 a unit. You can’t get a low end iPod for that much, and arguably there’s a lot more going on in the PSP relative to the iPod. So a wild eyed guess says that Sony will be losing $200 or more per sale! Granted, losing money on the console hardware and making it up on game royalties is standard in the games industry. But this is a lot of money to lose on an unproven console going against a very successful and entrenched competitor like Nintendo.

The other unbelievable thing is the 4 to 6 hours of battery life. Like laptop battery life claims from the manufacturer, this must be taken with a huge grain of salt. If the PSP video display sucks power anything like the one on my kids’ Leapster, cut Sony’s claims in half. At 2 to 3 hours, the PSP could prove to be a bit frustrating for the hard core gamer on the go. On the point of battery life, Sony had better be telling the truth or else they could become quite a laughing stock and the butt of jokes, much as the Apple Newton’s much touted handwriting recognition became when it proved to be less than advertised.

All of that said, Sony, you’re killin’ me! I still think that of the two new handhelds, the PSP is the sexier/cooler/hipper one to have. And at $200, it’s well in range. But Sony, why no movies until 2005? The Playstation 2 launched in Japan with very few games, but the ability to play DVD movies. That movie playing ability really supported early sales of a console that was rather difficult for developers to work with initially. And since Sony owns movie studios, selling more DVDs still helps the bottom line. So why no movies at PSP launch? Writing movies to the new UMD format shouldn’t be any more trouble than writing games to it, so I’m guessing that they haven’t got all of the bugs out of mass producing UMDs yet. So they simply made a choice to go with games over movies. Still, a few block busters from their library should not have been too much trouble.

Well, both Sony and Nintendo are taking big risks with their new handhelds. Sony’s seem to be primarily technical, while Nintendo’s is more of wtf to do with the second screen. This should be an interesting Christmas.

Anime, Manga, Etc

Old Dogs and Anime

This past weekend I packed up the van and took my crew to Anime Reactor in Rosemont, a Chicago suburb. In short, this late thirty-something guy had a lot of fun! I got a lot of cosplayer pics, attended a good number of panels, and even got up the nerve to sing Shell during Friday night karaoke! Call me strange, but I love the cosplayers and artists, and I love singing Japanese anime songs. The main reason I like Japanese anime though, is because the stories are so much better than most of the crap on tv right now.

It didn’t surprise me that the kids had a good time too. They love anime, buying stuff, and pocky! What did surprise me a bit was that my wife was a bit flipped out by the fact that we’re significantly older than most of the con attendees. We were both resident heads at the University of Chicago years ago, and spent a lot of time with young people, so I was doubly surprised by her reaction. But I guess that was because the relationship was different then. At a con we only have to be parents to our own children. She finally loosened up and had a pretty good time too. The age thing didn’t really bother me, I was having too much fun to worry about that anyway!

After an initial mix up with the kids’ registrations, mostly my fault, and a big argument, I had thought that maybe this would be the last con I dragged the family to. But in the end, we all had a good time and I think I learned something more about myself and the family I love so much. This old dog still has a lot of tricks left in him.


iTunes: Reunited and It Feels So Good!

For the past couple of weeks, iTunes and I have not been seeing eye to eye….yeah…. I’ve hugged, kissed, and sweet talked, so to speak, but the b**** just wouldn’t burn any of my playlists! First I’d get an error dialog that said the playlist was too long no matter how many songs were in the list and then if I click the audio cd button on that dialog to span multiple CDs, it would say that it couldn’t burn any of the songs on the list.

To make a long and frustrating story short, it was the IDE drivers. I’d changed to an Nvidia nForce 2 based motherboard, but had not installed the motherboard drivers. Why? Because the first time I tried this from the enclosed CD, it froze up the system. Everything else worked fine with the stock Windows XP SP2 drivers. So I wasn’t in a rush to check for newer drivers since I didn’t need the onboard audio and ethernet anyway. After trying everything else to solve the problem, I downloaded the nForce 2 drivers from Mach Speed’s web site, held my breath and installed them (after creating a restore point of course).

Now iTunes is happy again, and so am I! 🙂


Attack of the Googlebots!

A while back I was wondering why certain stories kept getting negative karma points, other than genuinely sucking big time. Well, I think I’ve found the reason, Googlebots! Googlebots are Google’s web crawlers, and for some reason they seem to have been hitting the negative karma link a little more than the positive link on this site. In any case, what the bots think isn’t important to me!

Like Captain Kirk, I take full responsibility for the actions of my crew. This blog isn’t in the root of the webserver which is where a bot will be looking for the robots.txt file. The robots.txt file that is there didn’t have the exclusion directive needed to tell the bot not to assign karma points. I’ve fixed this now, so by tomorrow the spurious negative karma points should be a thing of the past, unless of course this stuff really sucks!:)


Hackers and Painters

When I first saw this book on the shelf at Borders, the title so intrigued me that I could not help but pick it up and take a look. After flipping through a few pages, I decided that I’d come back in a few days and buy it after finishing a few other books (mostly manga ;)) that I was reading. Well, you snooze you lose! I couldn’t find it the next time I looked, so I ended up ordering it from Amazon.

Anyway, once Hackers and Painters arrived in my office, I couldn’t put it down. This is a really good read that will encourage one to think in a new way, or in my case, validate some of the strange thoughts I was already having! Paul Graham’s audience for this book is primarily hackers, but I think that general audiences will find this interesting as well. As I told my wife, even the notes at the back are cool! After reading it through I suddenly have a desire to learn Lisp and rule the world!

Yeah, I know, as a book review this really sucks and lacks depth. But I just wanted to say that I really liked the book and it is a worthy read. Graham writes about technology and society in a way that will resonate with hackers and has really inspired my work over the past week or so. Check it out!


New Long Life Battery for iPods — Amen!

I’ve had my iPod for about a year now. It’s a second generation model and while I’ve heard of issues with declining battery life with age, I haven’t noticed anything like that with mine just yet. Nevertheless, I was very happy to read that now for about $40 you can get a replacement battery for 1st or 2nd generation iPods that will last up to 20 hours on a full charge. Click here for the full story. The battery can be purchased from Other World Computing, a long time Mac specialist that I’ve had good dealings with in the past. According to the story, installing the battery is fairly straight forward.

Games and Sports

Xbox 2 Announcement Nears

A story on states that Bill Gates will be the keynote speaker at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in January. He is expected to make the formal announcement of Xbox 2 at that time. Lately, news coming out of the Xbox camp has been pretty good. Peter Molyneux’s action RPG Fable was released for the platform and went on to become the fastest selling game in Xbox history. Though this record is not likely to stand as Halo 2 has surpassed 1.5 million preorders for its November 9 release date.

And to that good news, I would add that the likelihood of backwards compatibility on Xbox 2 has increased with the recent release of Microsoft Virtual PC for MacOS X. Why? Because today’s Macintosh computers are built around the a PowerPC (PPC) architecture similar to that is rumored to be at the core of Xbox 2. Well this is more than rumor since early development kits are also based on PPC. So it is more plausible that backwards compatibility can be achieved using Virtual PC-like emulation. This could also get them around the challenge presented by going from Nvidia to ATI for the graphics chip set. Backwards compatibility would go a long way towards supporting the launch of Xbox 2.

So far from being dead, Xbox 2 is alive and kicking. This probably due in no small part to Bill Gates’ personal involvement or at least interest in the project. Gates didn’t make his money being stupid. Perhaps he realizes that if Microsoft is going to thrive in a post-PC, post-Windows era, it needs to get into other markets. Games are a natural progression and a huge growth market rivalling movies and television. If MS can get a piece of that pie, it won’t hurt so much when Windows and Office shipments start to drop off.


Wicca Season!

I walked to my nearby Border’s at lunch time today and found that just in time for Halloween, it’s Wicca Season! There was a whole little Wicca section prominently displayed at the top of the escalator. Hey! When did Wicca become mainstream? Here are the books for sale.

The Earth Path

Evolutionary Witchcraft

Hex Appeal

The Idiot’s Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft

Magical Almanac

Pagan Pride

Wicca for One

Since I didn’t have pen and paper, I decided to record a voice note of the titles on my cell phone. After doing this I felt I must have looked like some fanatic outraged by Wicca. I’m sure some of my more conservative Christian friends would probably be put off by this, along with Halloween as well. My feelings about Wicca are neutral. Flipping through one of the books I got the impression that Wicca is another largely harmless form of spiritualism. While I myself am a Christian, I believe that anything that can get you closer to God is a good thing. If Jesus taught us anything at all, it is that God wants us to get to know him personally and the form this will take will depend on the individual.


Iraq Blah Blah Blah Iraq

I was trained as an experimentalist, so in that spirit, this post is an experiment. I’ve been noticing that anything that I post with words like "Iraq", "Army", or "Navy" gets negative karma points, but never any comments. Now I don’t really care what people think of what I write here, well not too much…;) But I am curious. I suspect that W’s minions, official and otherwise, have bots scouring sites with criticism and doing what they can. No, I don’t go for conspiracy theories, but I do believe in experiment. So let’s see what this gets!

Iraq, blah blah blah, Iraq! Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines…blah blah blah. Iraq, W, sucks! Blah blah blah, yadda, yadda, yadda…. No more war! More war! Four more years, Iraq! Blah, blah, blah, George Bush, Iraq, blah blah blah… John Kerry, Dick Dick Cheney blah blah blah. It’s the economy Iraq!

Heh heh, let’s see what that gets! Now seriously, if the Internet has an ass, then this blog is the pimple on the pimple of that ass. So I don’t consider this to be all that important. IRAQ!!!!

Games and Sports

Playboy: The Mansion Slips Past XMas

Well it looks like Playboy: The Mansion won’t be under the tree this year! Citing quality issues, developer Groove Games has pushed the game into early next year. Now why is this here? Why do I care? Well actually, I don’t care about the game itself at all and had no plans to promote or buy it. What I have is the morbid curiousity of one passing a traffic accident in the all too common gaper’s delays we have here in Chicagoland. When hyped up games miss the crucial Christmas shopping season, the best time of the year to release any game, it usually means something catastrophic has happened.

So this leads to the question of, just how badly does Playboy: The Mansion suck at this point? There’s been a bit of a flurry of titillation games released lately. There’s the Guy Game, a new Leisure Suit Larry game, and you even throw in the Sims 2 for that matter. With the exception of the Sims 2, I wouldn’t expect very much since the main selling point of these games is boobs, boobs, boobs! So why the delay? screenshots of the game look pretty good, so it must be play mechanics, or maybe the bounces are not just right. Or maybe the thing just isn’t any fun… Polygonal vixens alone do not a good game make! This reminds me a bit of Showgirls, a movie so bad that even the gratuitous nudity could not make it interesting! Could it just be the curse of the licensed game? Games based on movie and tv licenses are notorious for sucking big time, cough! Matrix! Cough! This usually happens because the game is rushed out with the idea of making a quick buck off of naive fans of the property the game is based on.

Well, perhaps Playboy fans should rejoice. If promises of quality are delivered on, they may just get a good game afterall.


Am I Really Slackware?

I usually don’t do these online polls, but I’ll make an exception this time because it’s funny with a bit of truth…maybe…. Click the image to take it yourself.

You are Slackware Linux. You are the brightest among your peers, but are often mistaken as insane.  Your elegant solutions to problems often take a little longer, but require much less effort to complete.Which OS are You?