Well actually, if they are very very good then maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Anyway here is an interesting book I ran across in a post on Slashdot. The title alone makes it intriguing.
Author: blueZhift
Lens Flare and Fireworks MX
There’s no soccer today so I’m hoping to get more work done on the portal theme makeover. I finished up the main work on my Amazon shop module and now I want to get visual! Last night I must have spent 4 or 5 hours in the code on the module before I realized it! I guess I was having too much fun.
Anyway, I got inspired and decide to go in a different direction for the new theme than I had originally thought. I’ve got an image in my head involving lens flare. Unfortunately, Fireworks MX (my graphics weapon of choice) doesn’t have this built in. But I did find a tutorial on Lens Flares in Fireworks MX that looks pretty good.
Weekend In Vana’diel
Friday has come at last which means another weekend that hopefully includes some time playing Final Fantasy XI.
I’d love to spend more time on the game, but there are just too many other things I want to do in my rl for that. Still, the game has been a lot of fun in the 27 hours or so I’ve played since the PS2 version came out. So perhaps I’m proof that a more casual player can have fun with an MMORPG like FF XI, or just proof that I’m nutz!
Here are some in game shots I took of my character.
Game Art for Teens
During my lunchtime outing I found an interesting book at Borders. It’s called Game Art for Teens and it is what looks like a pretty good intro to producing game art using tools like Maya and Corel Paint or Photoshop.
I may pick this up eventually, just waiting for the usual 10-20% sale or coupon to come my way. So even if you aren’t a teen anymore, this looks like a good book to cut your teeth on.
If you want to take a look click this link.
The Prime Directive
Since the Iraq mess got started I’ve been wondering if maybe Gene Roddenberry hit it right on the head with Star Trek’s Prime Directive. The Prime Directive basically states that the Federation will not interfere in the development of other civilizations. So Kirk and company can’t go down to some primative planet and give them fusion reactors for example, or topple a government they don’t like. Now any fan knows that there have been numerous violations or bendings of this, but it is still a starting point.
Anyway, the Iraq mess is more proof that we never really know what is going to happen or how people will react, good intentions or not. Perhaps it would have been better to let the Iraqis eventually remove Saddam, if that was their choice. Who is to say that more people would have suffered or not? The invasion took this choice away from them and may have delayed the true creation of a freer Iraq.
We do need to have relationships with other nations. And we should make our opinions known to them. But maybe it’s time to stop interfering in their internal affairs and leave them free to develop the civilization they want to have. American style democracy is not what everyone wants. I think, because we are all humans, we want to have a say in how we are governed. But the shape that takes is necessarily different for each culture. And some cultures are closer to their ideal than others. American guns, ships, and tanks can only mess this up when used as they were in Iraq. I hope that we’ve learned a good lesson.
All Together Now
I got an email from my brother this morning which contained humorous musings on what Patton would do if he were president wrt the Iraq situation. Basically, it was the usual crazy isolationist sort of stuff about withholding aid from countries that didn’t help us, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Usually I read this stuff and let it go, but I just had to tell him that I thought this is just a myth. The money the United States sends to other countries ultimately goes into the pockets of U.S. corporations, especially banks I’m sure. This is the real reason we will likely never see any retaliatory withholding of foreign aid. This whole Iraq mess we’re in has made it very plain just how much influence corporations have on national policy. On the one hand Cheney and his oil pals are looking to profit on Iraqi oil and reconstruction of the country. While on the other hand the big media giants, like Disney, clamp down on dissent at home. That whole flag draped coffin business and the Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9/11 movie censoring business supports this idea.
When will Americans finally realize that we can’t just act like we can go it alone? Look around, how much of what we wear and use everyday was made in part or in whole somewhere else? We need the world just as much as they need us.
Retrogaming Hardware Fetish
Out on my lunchtime walk, I stopped in at the local Virgin Megastore to see if they had anything new from Tofu Records. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any CDs of interest, but I did find something else.
It isn’t news that a lot of the old Atari 2600 and early Arcade boom era games are coming back in neat little packages. I’d heard that Pac Man, my old fav, was coming back in a joystick controller you plug into your tv. But when I actually picked it up in the store, it was like stepping into Heaven for a moment! The joystick and button are very faithful to the arcade and while I already have Namco arcade for my PS2 at home, this new packaging makes this a must buy for retro-gaming fans. I think it had Pac Man, Dig Dug, and Galaxian for about $30.
Granted, I’m not buying for now, but it sure was purty!8)
Well I couldn’t resist, so I went ahead and linked to my portal site. It makes it easier for me to get here too. I also found a how-to on the Nucleus site for creating new skins. I should look at some skins that others have created too. Always steal from the best!
Ooh I feel like a kid with a new toy!
Skin Skin Skin
It looks like the first posting went okay, so the next thing on my list is skin. I’ll need to learn how to change the look of this thing. This is gonna be fun! Later, I’ll link back into my portal which is also undergoing a serious makeover.
First Ramblings
After looking at a bunch of options, I’ve decided to give nucleus a try as my blogger of choice on this Yahoo! Webhosting server.
The real challenge here is that PHP is limited in various ways so the only way to really know if something works is to install and test it out. Yeah, they have a list of functions that are enabled, but there are some subtle gotchas. For example, they don’t say that when using the mail functions, the from address must be from an account on your domain. Because of this I’ve had to hack my portal a bit to allow users to email articles. No big deal, but it isn’t documented anywhere that I know of.
Despite this, Yahoo! Webhosting has been a pretty good platform for me.