Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay

Otakon 2008 Aftermath Part II

Okay, just a few last thoughts on Otakon 2008. The Saturday masquerade is always a must see event for me and for the most part it was a lot of fun, including the walk to the Mariner Arena and the reactions of the “normal” people on the street to a parade of cosplayers. But one thing I will not forget is the reaction the audience had to one of the youth division cosplayers.

The girl was cosplaying Sakura and was probably about 13 years old. She got on stage to sing and totally froze. She looked really scared. But rather than boo her off the stage, the audience started clapping and cheering her on. So she started to sing and the encouragement continued as people started waving glow sticks and cell phones. From my seat in the upper deck, it looked like a sea of floating embers. For that moment I thought, wow, there really is hope for the human race.

So I think I’ll end on that note. I sang, I danced, and of course I got locked out of my room just like last year and had to deal with the front desk staff…in drag!XD It was fun. I stayed Sunday night so that I could cosplay Sunday and drive home Monday during the daylight hours, and get a speeding ticket in Pennsylvania…T_T Can’t wait to do it again next year, minus the ticket!

Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay

Otakon 2008 Aftermath Part I

It’s been a week since I set out for Otakon 2008 and I’m still riding a post convention high. I had a lot of fun. The road trip out was pretty flawless, only some heavy rain (scary) just outside of Baltimore posed any significant problem. Checked in, picked up my registration badge, and got to the Megatokyo Forums dinner on time for once!

I never did get write down any kind of plan for the con, so it was pretty much adhoc all 3 days. I ended up spending a lot of time doing karaoke broken up by intermittent cosplay photography. I also went to the JAM Project panel and concert. They were awesome! And the Saturday Masquerade is always a must for me.

A few things really stood out for me this year. I got a lot of compliments for my costumes this year which really put me on cloud 9. I put a lot of work into them, and I’m pretty self conscious about them so getting a lot of positive notice was really cool. I like cosplaying female or female dressed characters, so you never know what reactions you’re going to get. Then why do it? Because it’s a ridiculous amount of fun and a cool artistic challenge to present the illusion of a woman cosplaying a character. I’ve always enjoyed a good challenge. Being conventional just isn’t who I am!^^

On Friday I did my Yuujirou cosplay with the goth-loli nurse uniform. I was wearing new sandals with it which would prove to be a great challenge to walk in. They just kept sliding around because I think they were slightly too big for my feet. No sooner than I’d gotten to the convention center, a woman taps me on the back and says I look cute!<33 Later, a woman who told me that she was a real nurse told me that I looked beautiful and took a couple of pictures. I suppose guys aren't supposed to care about this sort of thing, but that really moved me. And it meant that I'd done a good job on the costume. Interestingly enough, one picture of me in this costume was used in an article that lightheartedly mocks cosplayers. While the captions are flippant, the pictures and costumes themselves are actually quite good. Click here to take a look. The comments are interesting too, especially the one comparing me to Seal. LOL!

I spent a little time watching AMVs before going up for karaoke where I was very happy to meet one of my favorite con people of all, Alissa!<333 She's very cute and has a great singing voice. She was cosplaying Mozilla Firefox. Yes, the web browser, Firefox. There are so called OS-tans which are personifications of computer operating systems (OS’s) and now, apparently, browser-tans as well. All I can say (see photo below) is, KAWAII desu!! I’m such a fan boi sometimes, but I behaved myself and enjoyed a brief chat with her. I had the great fortune of bumping into her on several occasions during the con, and she liked my costumes too! On that note, I’ll end this first installment of my con report.

Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay

Otakon 2008 Prep

Just a few more days until my 4th annual trip to Otakon!^^ This year I’m feeling a bit more relaxed. Last year was my first year cosplaying at Otakon and I was pretty nervous, not to mention what turned out to be some really serious problems with one of my costumes. This year, I’m not rushing to finish anything. I’ve only made some tweaks to improve fit and finish. Sadly, the AC in my car still doesn’t work well, but I don’t really care any more. Once I hit the road it won’t matter, all that matters then is reaching my destination.

It’s a little early, but I will probably start packing today. I want to make sure that I don’t forget to bring anything which is easier to do if I’m not too rushed. And I still need to buy my “survival rations” in order to survive long periods waiting in line and skipping meals in order to get to various events!XD

Anime, Manga, Etc

Outlaws Unleashed

Any weekend that I get an AMV project completed counts as a pretty good one. I’m pretty happy with my latest one, Outlaws Unleashed set to the tune of Endless Possibility, a wonderfully upbeat song by Jaret Reddick of Bowling for Soup. I first heard this song in the Sonic Unleashed trailer from E3 and fell in love with the trailer and the song. So I’ve tried to keep the feeling of speed as an homage to the trailer that inspired this AMV.

Anime, Manga, Etc

Baaad Boys!

I’ve always enjoyed the AMV Hell videos so I decided to make my own very short clip and get some practice lip synching at the same time. I think it turned out okay, but I fear the humor is lost on anyone who isn’t familiar with the manga and anime series, Princess Princess.

Anime, Manga, Etc

Yubisaki Milk Tea Volume 8: October I Guess…

Just something I ran across on There’s no picture yet, but it looks like Yubisaki Milk Tea Volume 8 is scheduled for a release in October 2008. I’ve been following this series for a while now, and was wondering if it would continue past volume 7 or had been canceled. TokyoPop has a volume 8 listed, but no other information. I read somewhere that the series was on hiatus in Japan, but likely to continue. The story seems to be coming to a climax, so it would be a shame if it were canceled now. This is one of my guilty pleasures because it mixes so many taboo subjects into one delicious package with a somewhat less than always sympathetic main character.^_^

Update: Volume 8 is currently scheduled for a March 30, 2010 release. I’ve heard it actually combines volumes 8 and 9 in Japan. Also, Anime News Network reports that Yubisaki Milk Tea has come to an end in Japan. Hopefully we will see the final volume in the U.S. this fall.
Anime, Manga, Etc Games and Sports General Tech

My Sonic Adventure

Yesterday I discovered that my oldest son was farther along the digital media curve than I thought. I was passing by him as he worked on the kids PC and caught a glimpse of what was clearly his art work on a YouTube channel, before he could cover it up! We’re pretty liberal around here, but I guess he wasn’t sure if I would approve. Once the cat was out of the bag and he could see that it was okay with me, he started to tell me about it. Even with limited tools, he’s made some pretty cool stuff. Much of using Windows Movie Maker, Hypercam, Audacity, and MS Paint! I’ve been in the process of upgrading his tools as I upgrade my own. I just installed Magix Movie Edit Pro 12 (I just got Sony Vegas) and he has and GIMP already. Usually I pass down software I no longer use in order to keep costs down and to give the kids some experience in the kind of creative solutions you have to come up with when you can’t afford to go out and buy Adobe CS3 right away! LOL, but the way the kids are progressing I’m probably going to have to jump to industry standard tools faster than I had initially planned so they can take maximum advantage of the wealth of knowledge that already exists surrounding these tools, *cough*CS3*cough*cough*… Anyway, here’s something cool from sonic3895, my son, the games otaku and future graphics designer. Who needs a refrigerator for art when there’s YouTube?

Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay

ACen 2008 Aftermath Part II

A week has now passed since Anime Central 2008 and life has settled back down to what passes for normal. Still I am filled with fond memories of a really good time. Friday my main objective was to make it to the concerts which I did. Peelander Z was, well, unique. They put on a fun show, but honestly, I couldn’t really get into their music. They were followed by Mari Ijima show which was pretty low key and a nice change up from the Peelanders. Halcali was up next and well worth the wait! I loved their j-pop hip hoppy sound and can’t wait for their albums to see a US release. I found a bootleg recording of the concert and now can’t get Endless Lover’s Rain out of my head. Please release soon!^^ The rest of the night was spent mostly in the AMV room watching Hentai AMVs. Not that I’m a big fan of hentai, but I really had a good time with Nate, Flying Elf, and the rest of the AMV regulars at Youmacon so I thought it’d be cool to enjoy some of their craziness again, and indeed it was! I’ve been really inspired to improve my own productions by all of the incredible videos I saw at ACen. I was also happy to see my own AMVs screened during the free play periods too.

Saturday the main focus was on cosplay and the masquerade. I always bring out my new costumes on Saturday, so I spent the day as Shuichi Shindou and finally got a chance to experience fangirls first hand. It was pretty cool having people recognize the character and call out, “hey Shuichi!” Not to mention getting a number of hugs and photo requests. Kakkoi!^_^ The kids were pretty popular in costume too, especially my youngest son as little Mario!

Chibi Mario, Dawn, and Ash

Attending the masquerade after a year’s absence felt really good! I was so angry last year at having missed it that there was no way I was going to let that happen again. The show was good, but I felt like there were too many yaoi skits. A couple of years ago, it was fresh and new, but there are no more original yaoi skits to be done, so please people, just stop it. After the masquerade I spent some time on a serious photo quest before I would need to dump my bag for the Soap Bubble rave. This period was interrupted by the now annual arrival of paramedics to take someone to the hospital.

The line to enter the dance was very long and part outside in the cold which was not going to work well with the costume I was wearing. So I decided to wait it out watching some totally f*d up crazy videos with ngsilver and company. After a wait, the line was gone and I went into the dance where I was immediately hugged by a young woman who liked my costume, yay!^^ I really don’t know how long I danced that night, all I know is that it was after 4am when I got back to my room. Yes, I had a ridiculously good time!

Sunday is usually a somber day at cons for me because it means the party is nearly over. This one was little different except for a lot more check out drama than usual. I was so happy about the previous night that I was determined to make things as easy as possible getting my crew out of the room. So I ended up carrying a lot of stuff great distances and giving a lot of commands to keep everyone coordinated. I think it worked pretty well. Working together we got it all done. After sending the wife and kids back to the city, I went to the AMV awards and then made my final swing through the dealers room before heading back to the city myself.

ACen 2008 was definitely better than 2007 for me! I got a lot more photos than last year (click here for photos) and I had a lot more fun cosplaying. A week later and I’m still smiling.^_^

Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay

ACen 2008 Aftermath Part I

Anime Central 2008 is now over and so far I’m at a loss for words, probably due to total exhaustion. ACen 2008 was a lot better for me than 2007. This year all of our badges came in time and I was able to avoid any unnecessarily long waits in line, like the now infamous 8 to 9 hour waits many spent in the pre-reg lines. Compared to last year ACen seemed slightly more organized and I really got the feeling that they were trying to make up for last year’s shortcomings. And I feel that I was doing the same thing!

I made a lot of mistakes last year which I think I corrected this year. First, once I realized there was no way I’d get the Gene Starwind and Melfina costumes done in time, I dropped them. Last year I was feverishly finishing costumes on Thursday and Friday morning, which made me miss a lot of stuff. Doing that took a lot of weight off of my shoulders which was good because I was actually quite sick Thursday and Friday so I couldn’t push too hard if I was going to make the show at all. Another thing I did was better plan for the worst and adjusted my expectations. In particular, last year my lovely wife was totally freaked out by my crossplays and didn’t really want to be seen with me at all. That was unexpected, and hurt a lot. I didn’t think that her feelings were going to change a lot, so I didn’t plan anything that would require her presence. She stuck with the younger kids doing kid stuff while we used text messages to keep track of each other and our older daughter who’s old enough to do things on her own. This actually worked out much better than I could have imagined, and we did rendevous on a number of occasions and it was okay.

So all in all, I had a ridiculously good time which I’ll detail here a little later. Here’s one of my favorite cosplayer pictures. I think she makes a really cute Haruhi!^_^

Anime, Manga, Etc

Goodbye Adult Swim!

Now that Adult Swim has relegated anime to Saturday nights only, I no longer have any reason to watch AS on any other night. I like Family Guy and some of the other comedies, but by the 2nd or 3rd showing of even the funniest Family Guy, I’m finished with it. Comedy simply does not hold up under repeat viewings with me. However, great drama almost always bears repeating. Anime series like Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist, and even Inuyasha (still one of my favorites) are a pleasure to view again because of the varied, complex characters and engaging story lines. There’s almost always something new to be uncovered and with 26 to 50 episodes or more, you won’t be seeing any particular episode over again any time soon, even if they show them every night.

Sadly, according to Adult Swim, anime just doesn’t bring in the ratings of a Family Guy. Well duh! Anime, for all of its popularity, is not mainstream! The television ratings systems are still dominated by the Nielsen system of family TV journaling, mainstream families! The very definition of popular is whatever is popular with mainstream families. Niches like sci-fi and anime will never get the big ratings. The only exceptions are when they are sufficiently not like their niches, like Battlestar Galactica for example. Battlestar Galactica is sci-fi, but at its center is a well crafted human drama that mainstream families can understand despite the occasional space battle.

I’ll still watch Adult Swim anime on Saturdays, but I’ll be doing something else the rest of the week. Not that they’ll miss me of course. I’m decidedly not in the mainstream.

Anime, Manga, Etc General Tech

YouTube Stats: My 31 Country AMV World Tour

YouTube has just made more detailed video stats available to all users of the service. Now any YouTube user can see where their viewers are and how popular their videos are in a particular geographic region. It was pretty cool to see that my most popular anime music video has been seen in 31 countries around the world. In particular, it was cool to see just how your YouTube network of friends and subscribers probably influences regional popularity. I’m sure that for some of my videos their popularity in France and Spain was probably due to some friends I have in those countries. Some things are obvious, like Japanese language AMVs having significant popularity in Japan. But a couple with popularity in China and Indonesia had me scratching my head a bit, probably an extended friends network effect, friends of friends… In any case, fun tool! I’m sure the YouTube servers will be working overtime as more of my narcissistic brethren have fun with this new toy!^^

Viewed In 31 Countries!
Anime, Manga, Etc

Easy Action Completed!

I can hardly believe it, but I actually finished my Easy Action AMV and entered it into the Boom Boom Satellites AMVJ Contest before the deadline! It’s not what I would call my greatest work, but it did help me get more comfortable with my new movie editor. I still enjoy the challenge that a contest brings to do something new and different. The Easy Action AMV is the first one I’ve done with computer generated 3D animation. I didn’t use much in the way of effects, but I did get a lot of ideas for the future. And I was also inspired to enter some earlier work into the Anime Boston AMV Contest.

Anime, Manga, Etc Tech

MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 12 Export To Lossless Lagarith CODEC

After much frustration with the limitations inherent in Windows Movie Maker, I downloaded and subsequently bought MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 12. It wasn’t very expensive and allows one to do a lot more than WMM, but it is not itself without some limitations in the making of anime music videos. Specifically, I could not get it to export to the lossless Huffyuv codec at all.

Generally, one wants to export to an AVI using a lossless codec before recompressing the video in whatever formats one wants to distribute in. Why not just let MAGIX export to the distribution format directly? The general answer to this is control over quality using tools like VirtualDubMod and AVISynth scripts. But the specific problem I encountered was trying to make Divx compatible Xvid AVIs. I could output an Xvid AVI from the MAGIX AVI export that would play fine on my PC, but had totally crapped out sound playing on the Xbox 360. So I decided that the best option was to do what I’d been doing with WMM, creating an AVI with the lossless Huffyuv codec and then using VirtualDubMod to create the Xvid AVI for distribution.

I had hoped that I could create the Huffyuv AVI directly from MAGIX (in contrast to having to export to DV-AVI first in WMM) and then create the Xvid AVI in the usual fashion. But MAGIX and the Huffyuv codec don’t appear to like each other very much. I tried everything I could think of, but the output not only wouldn’t play, it would crash Windows Media Player and kill Windows Explorer too. I thought I was SOL until I heard about the Lagarith lossless codec on in one of the forums there.

It turns out that MAGIX and the Lagarith codec get along just fine, which allowed me to create an Xvid AVI that works on my PC and the Xbox 360. Now I can concentrate on creating the AMV that’s floating around in my head right now!^_^

Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay

Ohayocon 2008 Aftermath Conclusion

To wrap it all up, I had an awesome time Saturday night at Ohayocon. While I discovered that there was indeed karaoke too late to sing myself, I did enjoy watching and cheering on other singers. After that I dumped my bag and headed off to the rave.

I don’t know whether I got there before or after room crowding forced the rave to stop and empty out before resuming. In any case I’m glad I missed that part of the drama. Upon entering the room, I was struck by how hot and humid it was. I’ve been to a number of dances by this time, but I’ve walked into a room that was hotter than that one. After looking around for a bit I settled into my usual favorite spot, somewhere in front near the speakers where I can see the DJs. I never bother looking for a dance partner these days. I just want to dance dance dance, and anyone who wants to join me later is welcome. ^_^

It turned out to be a really good place to dance. There was one point where Greg Ayres came down and danced very suggestively right up against the speaker. I kind of wish he would have come and danced with me. :3 Greg and the other DJs were awesome! While I didn’t like every track that came out, it was a nice mix and I really enjoyed watching them work. At the end of it all, I probably danced continuously in costume for about an hour only leaving when my legs started to cramp up. The next morning I would pay dearly for being in front of the speakers for so long. My right ear was ringing for two days!

I didn’t get bed until well after 3am. I had a lot of fun, but was a little saddened by the realization that it was all coming to an end tomorrow. One of the thrills of cosplay at a con is the chance to be someone else for a little while. Being a girl for a couple of days made me very happy.^_^

Sundays are usually somber and relatively uneventful. This one started with the hellish problem of getting my stuff down 11 flights of stairs to the car before checkout. Luckily, I only had to walk up once. I caught the bellman on the way down with my last two heavy cases. I love you Hyatt Regency Columbus!!! Once free of my bags, I was going to make one last pass through the dealers room and then attend the AMV awards. I try to cosplay every day of the cons I go to, so I’d put on my Roger Smith. I love Big O, and the Roger Smith cosplay is something I could drive home in too without getting into any awkward situations at a rest stop. I love the chance to be a girl for a while, but it really felt good to be a guy again too. There were still plenty of cosplayers around, so I was able to get a few more pictures before leaving after the closing ceremonies.

The drive back was filled with crazy people driving way too fast on wet highways. I was fortunate enough to make my one stop just before I would encounter a big delay due to an accident. As I passed the burnt out remains of one of the cars involved (didn’t see the other), I was saddened and chilled by the thought that someone probably died there. If I hadn’t stopped earlier, I may even have been involved. As it stood though, I’d only been involved in giving a few people in Burger King an eyeful of Roger Smith. My luck would come into play once again passing through Indianapolis where I noticed a police car pacing me soon enough to avoid getting a ticket.

With swag in hand for wife and kids, I was very happy to arrive home in one piece, but still a little sad that it was all over until next year. In the meantime, I’ve had enough fun to hold me over until Anime Central in May! Now I’ve got to get to work on those kid costumes!

Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay

Ohayocon 2008 Aftermath Part II

Saturday is always the biggest day of the con for me. It’s the day that I’ll often have nightmares about a month before the convention begins. The nightmare usually involves running around the convention all day and forgetting to cosplay! That, of course, did not happen to me at Ohayocon. In fact, it was a two costume day.

I led off with my Kaname Chidori cosplay which continues to improve. I took the blouse in a bit so that it fit better (no manning the harpoons here), and I finally got the front bow right! That bow had been my bane the last two times I’d worn the costume. So I made a real bow a day before the con, making it twice as wide and about 20% longer. The blue wig is still out of control, nevertheless, I got some nice compliments and a few picture requests. The most surprising came while I was standing near a wall in the hotel just outside of the convention center. I was frantically searching my bag for a receipt I needed when people started asking for pictures. I happily obliged and soon thereafter found what I was looking for.

I was saving my third costume, the Yuujirou Shihoudani goth-loli nurse cosplay, for the afternoon and evening. I like to bring out my best stuff on masquerade night. This is my best costume, but I didn’t feel up to entering the competition this time around. I wasn’t even sure I was going to be at the con until just a short time before I left home.

Ever since I missed the masquerade at Anime Central last year, due to it filling up and no overflow area, I’ve been kind of paranoid about missing this event. So I was very happy that Ohayocon had a huge space for it in the convention center. I rushed over after the awesome Voices for concert and was greeted by a long line, to get into the line for the event. I was a little worried at first, but the line soon started moving and soon I was in with a good seat. Ironically, I was sitting next to a former nurse who was taking pictures with a very professional looking camera and told me that she absolutely hated those old style nurse uniforms. She said she always needed bunches of bobby pins to keep the hat on. My hat was actually pinned to my wig, so I fully understood the feeling! She was pretty cool. I told her about Princess Princess, the anime and manga the costume is from and we had a few chuckles about how the small community she came from probably wouldn’t permit such a manga to sold in the local bookstores.

The masquerade was pretty good, with the exception of one bad monologue and perhaps too many Naruto skits, most of the skits were entertaining. I felt bad for the woman whose monologue fell flat. If it were me, I think I’d have left the stage a little bit earlier, but I guess you have to admire her guts for sticking it out until the end. The audience, however, was not in a charitable mood and roundly booed her off the stage. Fortunately this was followed by one of the best skits of the night, a break dancing face off between Naruto and Sora (from Kingdom Hearts). How this skit failed to win an award is beyond me!

Looks like I’ve created a wall of text again! So I’ll finish this up later. After my last horrendous experience with Windows Movie Maker, I bought a copy of Magix Movie Edit Pro 12 online. I used it to create the slideshow of cosplay photos below with much less heart ache! :3