Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay

Ohayocon 2008 Aftermath Part I

I hit the road for Ohayocon with a lot of hope, in the dark of night, 2:30am to be exact, and in the end, I was not disappointed. Ohayocon was a lot of fun for me, the drive through the night, hungering for dawn, was well worth it. Though it was not without a few hiccups, but I’ve come to believe that you can never fully appreciate the flavor of fun without some bitter spices of disappointment, just a dash of course!

I had no problems getting to the hotel and convention center, and for me at least, the staff of the Hyatt Regency Columbus were excellent. So I got in and went through the pre-reg line without any trouble, the only real problem would turn out to be the lack of printed schedules initially and then changes and additions (ie karaoke) that I wasn’t ready for.. Under the circumstances though, the Ohayocon staff handled it very well, so I don’t really have a complaint there either.

One of my personal cosplay rules is that if I pack a costume, it MUST BE WORN! I packed four costumes, Kagome, Kaname, Yuujirou, and Roger Smith. I love doing the crossplays, but it always takes me soooo long to get out of the room the first time. Part of it is just not knowing what to expect, and the sneaking suspicion that it’s horribly perverted. But perverted or not, it’s just too much fun to pass up on once you’ve experienced it. So I finally got Kagome out the door and got a mix of nice legs compliments (from the ladies) and some WTF (guys). LOL! I love being part of the show! ^_^

The Greg Ayres Roast on Friday night was incredible! These people must be really, really, really good friends to be able to say things like that about each other! I almost busted a gut laughing! The guests of Ohayocon really made the con for me. They were really awesome and one of the best reasons to go to a con at all. I mean, I can buy stuff on the internet and watch DVDs at home anytime. But only at a con can I enjoy these incredibly creative people and their fans. I had hoped to dance a lot longer at the Friday night dance, but alas, six hours of driving was too much, and my feet gave out! I was pissed, but you can’t argue with foot cramps…grumble…grumble…

Can’t argue with hand cramps either, so I’ll pick this up a little later. Here is the last picture I took before driving back home on Sunday, one of the cutest Yachirus ever!


Ohayocon 2008 Pictures

Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay

Ohayo To Ohio Soon

The weather forecast appear quite favorable for my Friday departure to Ohio for Ohayocon. Sadly, neither of my AMVs made the cut for the finals in the Ohayocon AMV Contest…*sigh* Oh well, contests are not the reason I make anime music videos anyway, still, it hurts not making the finals. I’m sure the winners will be full of flashy effects and transitions, set to Linkin Park and clips from Death Note. :3 Okay, that said/vented, I’m looking forward to seeing what people have made to enjoy and learn from it.

On the cosplay front, most of my costumes are ready, though I haven’t finalized which ones to wear. This time out I’m going to focus more on getting some good pictures of the cosplay meetups. The space of the convention center appears to be very good for photos with some interesting and open indoor spaces.

Right now my lovely wife is cross with me because I’m more interested in planning for my departure in two days, than in the scheduled events of over a week away… Needless to say, it’ll be nice to get away for a while!:3

Anime, Manga, Etc

New AMV: All for Inuyasha

After a great deal of technical difficulty due to field order swaps on the DVDs and crash happy Windows Movie Maker, I got my new anime music video completed and uploaded for the Ohayocon AMV contest. I also decided that this will be the last AMV I make using Windows Movie Maker, it’s just too darn restrictive and unstable.

Anyhow, Inuyasha is one of my favorite anime series and this song, “All for You” by Namie Amuro, is just so beautiful! Enjoy!

Anime, Manga, Etc

AMV Or Sleep?

Ugh! The AMV is not done yet and I must sleep! One of these days I’ve got to stop using Windows Movie Maker for this stuff, but I’m just too cheap, or a glutton for punishment! ^_^ As usual, I’m trying to get a new anime music video ready in time for a convention AMV contest at the last minute. I love much dramu!

Anime, Manga, Etc

Simca Sighting!

A couple of days ago, I had the great pleasure of spying a stunningly attractive woman who, except for the absence of pink hair, looked a lot like Air Gear’s Simca. She didn’t appear to be as busty, but the style of the clothing and her overall shape just screamed “Simca!” Another great reminder of why getting out during lunch to get some exercise can be a good thing. And lucky me, today I saw another woman also dressed in a Simca-esque fashion, perhaps I’m witnessing a fashion trend. Fresh air sure is a good thing! ^_^

Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay

Saddle Up For Ohayocon

Five or six months between conventions is too much for me, so I’m getting ready for my first trip to Ohayocon coming up in January 2008. I’ve been missing my Roger Smith cosplay, so I’ve decided to wear it on the trip. Roger wears normal clothes, so only the initiated would even notice and I’ll get a kick out of looking sharp to boot. Chicago to Columbus is about 360 miles, so I’ll need to make at least one stop, maybe two. So Roger will get a little outside public airing.

I’m not planning any new costumes for Ohayocon, only tweaks to old ones. Nice, low pressure con, as far as costumes are concerned. And I’ll enter two AMVs in the Anime Music Video contest. I hope they’ll have an overflow too so I can submit my other two.

Home life is fine, most of the time, but if I can get away from it all every few months, that’ll keep me happy. ^_^

Anime, Manga, Etc

Yelling, Screaming, New AMV

Never a shortage of drama around here… Despite yelling, and screaming around me and some of it from me, I managed to finish a new anime music video. I got the idea driving to work a few days ago, so I’m very happy that I managed to complete something that I think fits my vision. Enjoy!

Tomorrow Rei

Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay

Youmacon 2007 Aftermath

Youmacon 2007 has come and gone and I can sum things up neatly in one sentence. I had a lot of fun! ^_^ Like most things in life, Youmacon was not perfect and I did run into some trouble, first getting off course trying to get there, and later just dealing with events starting very late. I think I must have increased my bladder size at least 50% having to wait in line so long for some events! But the overall feel or spirit of Youmacon was very good and I look forward to returning next year if I can.

I can scarcely believe it now, but I actually managed to wear all three of the costumes I brought and they were well received. I entered the Saturday Hall Cosplay competition with my Princess Princess cosplay, and while I ultimately did not win a prize, I really enjoyed telling the judges about my costume and the work that went into it. I got a number of compliments for the outfit and it just felt sooo comfortable to wear that I think it’s become my favorite. I loved dancing in it too!

My video entry for the AMV contest didn’t win a prize (or at least I’ve not heard of one yet), but I was so excited when it started to play during the screening, my heart almost knocked me out of my chair. I was worried about technical issues, but it played well and turned out to be one of the few that used a Japanese song. Personally, I think it ran a close second or third compared with the other romance category entries.

Saturday night was the most fun for me. I had been looking forward to cosplay, dancing, and karaoke. I got all of those almost simultaneously. The Saturday night karaoke crowd was a lot more fun than Friday, so after really messing up Houkiboshi, sang a few more tunes I knew better and enjoyed some really fine and spirited performances. One thing I won’t forget about that night were these black guys staring at me from just outside the restaurant while I was singing Shizukana Yoruni. They were far enough away, that I don’t think they realized I was a guy…hee hee… I got some similar attention at the dance later that night.

After karaoke, I headed to the dance. I’d been looking forward to dancing in costume since the last time I did it months ago at Otakon. It used to be that you either had to find a partner or not dance rather than look like a dorky loser dancing by yourself. Well, fork that! Times have changed, and if you want to dance, just dance! So I hit the dance floor and didn’t leave for over an hour, dancing solo or with the occasional partner. The music was pretty good, and I had a ball twirling and shaking my dress. A knee length dress is definitely teh fun on the dance floor! ^_^

My leg started to cramp a bit after over an hour of dancing, so I left there and headed for the con suite for some refreshments and to hang out a bit. There I was treated to a bit of uber-geekiness from the Penguicon party in the form of ice cream made with the help of liquid nitrogen, teh win! Refreshed I headed back out and met a couple of friends from One I met quite by accident after my right leg totally cramped up while I was listening to the Spoony Bards play. I needed somewhere to sit for a while and quite literally limped into the AMV room which was showing totally over the top Hentai AMVs! O.o After that, I thought Nate and the AMV people were amongst the coolest on Earth! I didn’t get to bed until about 3:30, quite happy we were getting an extra hour due to the time change.

I also watched Cosplay Shougi and the Masquerade Saturday night as well. The shougi was interesting mainly for the hamming it up of the cosplayers, especially Sanji, and an incredibly sexy Duo Maxwell who the MC, Card Captor Will seemed to have his eye on as well. The game itself was only so so, so I left early in order to get some real dinner. I hadn’t eaten normally for almost two days, so biting into my first real food almost brought tears to my eyes before sending me into an ecstasy reminiscent of Yakitate Ja-pan! Given the small size of the event spaces, it was pure genius that Youmacon did a simulcast of the masquerade on the hotel’s local cable channel. I was able to eat, watch the masquerade, and freshen up my costume before heading out again for karaoke.

Sunday is usually a quiet day for most cons. I spent much of the morning packing before putting on my last costume, Kaname Chidori. I’ve never cosplayed on Sunday because of the problem of having to change after checking out from the hotel. But I decided that I could pull this off easily by putting a pair of sweatpants and my coat in the car. I’d pull the sweat pants on over the skirt, pull off the wig, and put the coat on over the blouse. Then I’d drive 300 miles home, and nobody would know the difference, as long as I didn’t get into a wreck or pulled over and searched! XD So I cosplayed one more day and enjoyed Otaku Family Feud and the really great voice actors. Jeff Nimoy and Quenton Flynn were priceless!

It was too crowded to get as many pictures as I would have liked, but the ones I got were pretty good. This includes a so so attempt as a self portrait. I don’t usually get a lot of photo requests, in part because I don’t cosplay wildly popular characters. Most people at Youmacon knew nothing about Princess Princess, oh well… Anyway, as always, I looked for people cosplaying characters I like or who had outfits that really resonated with me. One of my favorites was of Rukia in her yellow dress and hat, which I’ve never seen cosplayed by anyone.

Youmacon 2007 Cosplay Pictures


Again, I had a great time! Can’t wait to do it again in 2008!

Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay

Youmacon Or Bust!

Well time to head out the door for Youmacon! Hopefully I haven’t forgotten anything important. This is my first time going to this con, so I’m a little nervous. But I’m really looking forward to a little vacation time and meeting some new people. I’m even thinking of entering my Yuujiro outfit in the Hall Cosplay competition. And my latest AMV, Yasashisa Asuka, is in the AMV contest in the Romance category. If I win, great! But I just want people to see my work, so I’m happy it made the cut! ^_^

Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay

Only In Japan…For Now At Least

With little more than a week before Halloween, it’s crunch time for my costume making. So I haven’t kept up with my email and didn’t catch this little gem until this morning. This is from the New York Times, Fearing Crime, The Japanese Wear The Hiding Place. Before I read it, I thought that with such an odd title it must be about hidden pockets in clothing or something like that. But it turns out that a literal reading is exactly the correct interpretation. This reminds me of an early Naruto episode in which Konahamaru hides himself by holding up a cloth painted like the fence he was standing in front of! Never thought anyone would try something like this for real! ^_^

Deftly, Ms. Tsukioka, a 29-year-old experimental fashion designer, lifted a flap on her skirt to reveal a large sheet of cloth printed in bright red with a soft drink logo partly visible. By holding the sheet open and stepping to the side of the road, she showed how a woman walking alone could elude pursuers — by disguising herself as a vending machine.

The wearer hides behind the sheet, printed with an actual-size photo of a vending machine.

And it gets better…

Take the “manhole bag,” a purse that can hide valuables by unfolding to look like a sewer cover. Lay it on the street with your wallet inside, and unwitting thieves are supposed to walk right by. There is also a line of knife-proof high school uniforms made with the same material as Kevlar, and a book with tips on how to dress even the nerdiest children like “pseudohoodlums” to fend off schoolyard bullies.

I get the feeling that I’ll be seeing that vending machine idea at some future anime convention. I’ve seen people dressed as Pocky and Sushi, so why not a vending machine?

Anime, Manga, Etc Games and Sports General

Get Stronger

It’s kind of sad when kids start calling you old. Yesterday’s soccer scrimmage was, by popular demand, kids vs the old people. So I teamed up with my assistant coach plus a couple of parents to take on 7 girls in a cloud of soccer fury! It was a lot of fun, and I just could not believe the trash talk my youngest daughter was giving me about beating the old people. LOL, a couple of quick (and lucky) goals from me quieted things a bit and in the end you had a 2 to 2 tie score. Take that young-uns!

Besides managing to defend the honor of “old people”, I had the chance to utter a few words that are amongst my favorites from anime series, “I’m not goin easy on you!” And I didn’t, unfortunately, I think I overdid it on myself, and this morning am feeling very zombie like. Sadly, I can’t do anything about the passage of time, but I can, to borrow some more from the world of anime, get stronger. I’m quite pleased that my program of diet and exercise has paid off. I feel a lot better, and I can still move pretty fast. Not only that, my wife says I look better too, which coming from her, is very high praise. I still have a long way to go, but I haven’t hit the limit yet. So getting stronger is still a goal I can reach, though I’ll have to do it without a hyperbolic time chamber!

Anime, Manga, Etc Games and Sports General

Online Relationships And Odd Couples IRL

We’re all familiar with the jokes about your online sweetheart turning out the be some old guy or teenage nerd, etc. etc.. And we laugh at the “horror” of discovering that your image is false. But surely there must be some stories where these odd couples in real life become friends/lovers despite that, and not just the ones involving people getting arrested for statutory rape. For reference, I’m thinking more along the lines of the relationship between Tsukasa and Subaru in the anime series .hack//Sign. That series is somewhat vague about what happens after they meet in real life, but clearly they did not recoil in horror at the discovery that they were both women, one confined to a wheelchair no less.

.hack//Sign Subaru and TsukasaIf indeed online relationships are real, then it is highly likely that eventually they are going to profoundly change the nature of real life relationships and what are and are not acceptable pairings. Indeed, the pair could conceivably cease to be the base unit.

This is a bit of copy pasta of my comments on the Slashdot discussion of Regina Lynn’s Sex Drive commentary on Wired.

Anime, Manga, Etc

Walking A Mile For Manga

Actually, I walked a two mile round trip today to get a copy of Kashimashi Girl Meets Girl volume 3 today. It was actually part of my normal two mile lunch walk, but the route I chose was chosen in the hope of finding this on the shelf of the Michigan avenue Borders. Not only did I walk two miles, I even paid full price! Borders sales normally start on Thursdays, but Kashimashi is one of those titles that isn’t printed in large quantities, so you’d better get it as soon as you see it! So far, they’ve been well worth it!

Anime, Manga, Etc

Yasashisa Asuka ~ AMV

I’d been working the last couple of months on a new anime music video using clips from Neon Genesis Evangelion and a Rush song when I absolutely fell in love with Yasashisa to Yowasa wa Chigau (gentleness and weakness are different) and decided to do something with that first. Inspiration comes like a whirlwind and I’m very happy to have just finished the new video. Things just fell into place very nicely, but one of these days, I’m going to have to fork out some bucks for something better than the crash happy Windows Movie Maker!

Yasashisa Asuka

Song: Yasashisa to Yowasa wa Chigau
Artist: Toyoguchi Megumi
Anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Created by Shonen Jidai

Anime, Manga, Etc

Talk To Me Potsticker!

I used to just ignore contests and promotions, but something about Zazzle’s Talking Food contest just sort of grabbed me so I decided to enter this weekend and was inspired to create a talking potsticker! It just popped into my head along with some Cantonese I’ve learned over the years. Will it win, who knows? But I had a lot of fun creating it and the kids like it too!

Talking Potsticker Says Hello