This is my message in a bottle experiment. Father Benedict Justice School was a Catholic grade school in Kansas City Missouri that I attended as a child. I still have mostly fond memories of the school and my classmates there. But as I’ve ranted about in past postings, most of my contemporaries don’t have much of a presence on the web. So how do you find them when and if they do venture forth on this digital ocean?
Throw out a message in a bottle of course. Typing Father Benedict Justice School in Google or any other search engine isn’t going to get you much right now. Â So this little blog entry may just rank high enough to gain the attention of my fellow FBJ classmates eventually. If you can’t find the people you’re looking for directly, then post something that they might find instead. A strategy worthy of The Professor eh?
So if you’ve stumbled upon this looking for Father Benedict Justice alums, leave a comment. Just so there’s no confusion, Father Benedict Justice School was a small school split into two campuses. There was the FBJ Upper Campus for the middle schoolers and the FBJ Lower Campus for the lower grades. Travel between the campuses was done on an old yellow school bus that would break down half the time. Fortunately, the campuses were only a mile apart. So if we had to walk, we made a game of it, walk a block, run a block.
Ok, I guess that’s enough for now. Let’s see if anyone gets my message in a bottle!