Games and Sports

Return to Vana’diel! Again I think…

With the holiday and the promise of some good bargains this weekend, I’d been revisiting my plan to build a new gaming PC. The guys I work with are big gamers, so I’ve been looking to up my playing time.

I had initially thought about building a new rig last year in order to play Final Fantasy XIV, but by now, anyone who follows gaming knows how big of a disaster FFXIV proved to be. Square Enix is still hammering out the bugs, but it still isn’t ready for me to take that plunge.

Since that time, I’ve been playing Star Trek Online, which has been fun, but just not the same experience that I had with FFXI. I really missed Laureta, my main character there and the world itself. So while cleaning up my old PC and optimizing it for the games it can play, I decided to see if I could get my old characters back. I also wanted to see if SE had a payment system compatible with the way I wanted to pay.

Long story short, I’m back! It took nearly 4 hours of updates, but I have returned to Vana’diel! Swinging a sword with Laureta has never felt so good!

Games and Sports

I Quit World of Warcraft…Again

Well, for the second time, I’ve quit World of Warcraft. I’ve really tried to like it, but I just don’t have time for two subscription based MMOs. And my heart really belongs to Vana’diel anyway. I may return to WoW in the future, especially if they ditch the subscription model, but that’s not likely to happen any time soon.

Until We Meet Again WoW
Until We Meet Again WoW