Games and Sports

Collecting Steam

As the new year begins, I find myself contemplating the Steam Holiday Sale, which is ending soon on Jan 2nd. I’ve already picked up a few games I’ve had my eye on, like Skyrim, and Final Fantasy XIII. And I may pick up one or two more. But now I’ve resigned myself to the reality that I’ll probably never play through all of the Steam games now on my hard drive.

I guess I’m turning into more of a digital game collector rather than hardcore gamer. My days of playing Pac Man while receiving electric shocks, or staying up all night to finish Civilization, or that time I had to keep playing Shenmue because I literally forgot how to exit the game, are long past. LOL


Oh well, collecting is fun too, and the Steam sales make it cheap. So I regret nothing!

Games and Sports

Dim Sum Gamer

The end of the holiday season will find my hard drive littered with a variety of new games, mostly bought via Steam. When I was younger, I could imagine spending hours, days, weeks, completing a new game. But those days are over. Now, I just don’t have the time with work and family. Of course that’s a good thing. After all  guys like me are usually expected to be living in their mom’s basement. I’ve been blessed with far more than I could have imagined when I left home all those years ago.



So now, I am a dim sum gamer. As the cart of new, and often discounted older games, comes by my table, I am happy to just eat a small serving here and there. I know that most of my games are not going to be beaten. But I can still have fun with them nevertheless. That was the real epiphany for me. Getting older doesn’t mean I have to stop playing games. I just play and enjoy them differently than my kids do. In the end, it’s all good!

Games and Sports

Oh You Diablo 3!

It’s been a long time since any PC game made me rage, but rage I did last night in Diablo 3. Though saying I was raging in the game might be an overstatement as much of my time was spent getting disconnected. Maybe the gods of the internet just hate me, but time after time I’d start playing the game only to have the latency jump up and bite me in the ass.

I checked the forums and did it all. Upgraded my router firmware, forwarded ports, and updated Windows. All to no avail. And of course I was getting disconnected during battles, so I died, a lot. Eventually I guess the game showed me some mercy by not letting me connect at all. Instead, I was treated to a dessert of Error 3007. Oh you!