
Tales from the Tweet for 2012-09-03

  • Another exhaustingly fun #DragonCon day comes to an end with 2 dance parties and a creepy guy touching me. LOL, my cue to leave. #
  • @ButerflySamurai that's too bad! I hope you're otherwise having a great con. These crowds are crazy insane! in reply to ButerflySamurai #
  • The cutest thing I saw today was a Mass Effect cosplayer dad with a baby in a stroller dubbed the Normandy. D'AAAAW! #DragonCon #
  • Plan to spend a lot of time in the Sheraton today on Trek and Dr Who stuff. I <3 you both! Don't make me choose! #DragonCon #
  • I like that #DragonCon attendees are closer to my age! Yes, this is the grown up con I've been looking for! #
  • Woo hoo! I made it to the Sylvester McCoy panel only a little late. ^_^ #DragonCon #
  • @geekitry indeed it is! in reply to geekitry #
  • @ButerflySamurai lol, cosplay is a fun way to express many facets of our personalities (or none at all). A diamond with 1 face = boring in reply to ButerflySamurai #
  • One of the things I like best about #DragonCon are the Southern accents. I could listen to that all day. <3 #
  • Time to feed my Trek nature again! Dorm and Frakes! #DragonCon #
  • My plan was to watch Ms. Star Trek Universe. I ended up IN it playing Kahless Says! In front of Nichelle Nichols no less! <3 #DragonCon #
  • With all the fun I've had cosplaying Uhura, I really want to thank William Ware Theiss for his beautiful costumes! #DragonCon #
  • #DragonCon masquerade overflow in the Marriott still has plenty of room! #
  • WTF?! Overflow masquerade has tech issues plus a band is practicing here in the same room. Why the disrespect #DragonCon Seriously… #

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Tales from the Tweet for 2012-09-02

  • Lots of country at Klingon Karaoke. I'm alright with it, had fun singing Beer for My Horses. #DragonCon #
  • Of course, my horses prefer Romulan Ale, but that stuff's illegal. #DragonCon #
  • Danced my arse off at Apocalyto Disco, and OMG, I danced on stage! I kinda sucked on stage, but it was awesome! #DragonCon #
  • In the parade in, gulp, a few hours. Might be a good idea to sleep now. Goodnight #DragonCon #
  • Being in the parade was a hoot! So many people in awesome costumes! And the huge cheering crowd was awesome too! #DragonCon #
  • After the parade, I changed my load out and headed for the Walk of Fame where I got to show my Uhura to the original Uhura. ^_^ #DragonCon #
  • Got my copy of Beyond Uhura signed by Nichelle Nichols and told her I finished my physics degrees we talked about years ago. #DragonCon #
  • In con dim sum mode now. Any panel I can get into is a good panel! Did SWOTOR, mystical book anime, now Project Cosplay. #DragonCon #
  • Project Cosplay off and running with a nude Dead Pool. Oh Dead Pool! XD #DragonCon #
  • I love being at #DragonCon with my nerdy brothers and sisters! Time to eat cause I'm dyin! #

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Tales from the Tweet for 2012-09-01

  • Just woke up and the crowds here at #DragonCon are still going strong! Should I join them or go back to sleep? #
  • Got totally depressed because I forgot to do something really important before I left for #DragonCon Just gotta forget it for now… #
  • Can't hurt to tour about a little at 1:11am…right? #DragonCon #
  • Oops! More like 2am actually! #DragonCon #
  • I'm usually a nervous my first time to a con, but #DragonCon is so overwhelming that I may need some extra undies! #
  • Started out #DragonCon right, with the Trek Track of course! And Garret Wang does a great George Takei! #
  • Got some pics with this cool Trek fan couple. Lots of cosplay up in here! #DragonCon #
  • Tried to see Geek Parent panel, but it was full. So now at Erin Gray panel. ^_^ #DragonCon #
  • Now at the B5 panel. Mira Furlan, SWOOOON!!! #DragonCon #
  • Deep in the bowels of the Hyatt at Know Your Anime. Much younger crowd here, LOL. May bail for Filk soon. #DragonCon #
  • At Filk now. My ears are happy! Eyes too actually! ^_^ #DragonCon #
  • Lined up for Opening Ceremonies yay!! #dragoncon #

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Tales from the Tweet for 2012-08-31

  • Checkpoint! 91 miles out of Chicago bound for Atlanta and #DragonCon All is well. #
  • Checkpoint! 192 miles out, all is well.  #
  • Checkpoint! 363 miles out, halfway to #DragonCon All is well. #
  • Checkpoint! 540 miles out and all is well. #DragonCon #
  • Off Course! Course Corrected! #DragonCon #
  • Checkpoint! 50 miles to go! #DragonCon #
  • Goal!! Just checked in at Marriott. Woooo!!!! #DragonCon #

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Tales from the Tweet for 2012-08-30

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Tales from the Tweet for 2012-08-25

  • Wow, tomorrow I take my little girl off to college. Part of me just wants to keep her forever! #
  • Very distracted work today. All I can think about is taking my little girl off to college tomorrow! #
  • @ButerflySamurai yeah, but people are always surprised because I don't look that old. Just lucky I guess! in reply to ButerflySamurai #

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Tales from the Tweet for 2012-08-24

  • Just finished JManga: YOUR & MY SECRET Vol.8! And now I'm sad it's all over. T_T Thanks @JManga_official! #
  • Star Trek is my home fandom. And I'm looking forward to a lot of Trek Tracking at #DragonCon soon! #

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Tales from the Tweet for 2012-08-23

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Tales from the Tweet for 2012-08-20

  • When sewing white fabric, it's important not to get blood on it! #cosplay #pinpricks #

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Tales from the Tweet for 2012-08-19

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Tales from the Tweet for 2012-08-18

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Tales from the Tweet for 2012-08-16

  • OMG Kawaii Desu!: A parent's guide to anime, manga, and cosplay is now available on the Nook! #ebook #
  • I really gotta get back to work prepping for Dragon*Con! #

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Tales from the Tweet for 2012-08-14

  • I got 2 weeks to get ready for Dragon*Con. Time to get busy! #

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Tales from the Tweet for 2012-08-13

  • Fun family night! Dinner, Lost in Translation followed by 2 eps of Torchwood. ^_^ #

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Tales from the Tweet for 2012-08-12

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