Time’s tv critic has named Battlestar Galactica, 2005 Show of the Year! It’s great to see a fantastic SF show get some mainstream recognition. The fanboy in me just hopes that this recognition won’t spoil a good thing. Hopefully this and continuing good ratings will allow it to escape cable and reach an even wider audience. For that matter, I’d love an easy way to buy and download episodes to my PSP for an on the go BSG fix.
And now, to honor the spectacular blonde in the pink coat that I saw today at the Virgin store, here’s a shot of Tricia Helfer as Number Six. I’m still more of Boomer fan, but I think that as a character, Number Six is really coming into her own, especially with the events of the Pegasus episode.

BTW, this time I actually did take the time to compliment the blonde lady on her outfit! Of course, I have no plans to make a habit of this!