
Another Farewell

The night before a trip is always filled with stress and excitement for me. But as I prepare to return home to bury and bid farewell to another grandparent, I am also filled with lamentations. It’s only been about 6 months since the last time I did this, and that was quite a heart wrenching affair on so many levels. Funerals are not about the dead, they’re about the living and how those of us left behind get on with life and our relationships with each other. As I witness my parents losing their parents, I cannot help but dread the time when I myself must perform the grim and final duties that all children owe to their parents. Still I will not let that weigh me down. These things are all a natural part of life, and while the emotions of pain and anguish are not comfortable, they are just another necessary pigment in the great portrait of life. So tomorrow I look forward to what new paintings God has in store for me, I’m sure my grandmother has an even better view of the picture now. Guess, I’d better behave myself.