Hurray for pink haired girls! I saw my first pink haired woman outside of an anime convention today, a nice highlight to an otherwise cold dreary day in Chicago. The most interesting thing about it was that it looked pretty good, so kudos to Sakura!

Hurray for pink haired girls! I saw my first pink haired woman outside of an anime convention today, a nice highlight to an otherwise cold dreary day in Chicago. The most interesting thing about it was that it looked pretty good, so kudos to Sakura!
6 replies on “Sakura Sighting”
she is like soooo hott! i luv her! i have every one of her cards! i cant miss an episode or ill die!!!!!!
to sakura
love robert
Ok, D+.
omggggggggggggg i love naruto so fuck u haterz u can go suck a di9ck for all i care lolz jk
Cute…I lovey Naruto!Sasuke-Kun!
And damn you Naruto haters!Damn you!
yeah yeah pink heads rule!!!!1 check me out because i love sakura!!!! she’s my biggest celebrity!!!!!!!!
I love Sakura and di oterss.