
Twitter Updates for 2010-12-10

  • RT @blairherter: You guys have NO IDEA what @candacebailey5 is putting in her mouth for you… LOL XD #
  • @candacebailey5 is a great pick to cohost #AOTS She'll bring renewed geekiness and energy to one of my favorite shows! Welcome aboard!^^ #
  • I am on the new Digg! You should follow me at #
  • It's been a while since I was regularly on Digg. I like the new look! I still hang out on Slashdot too. #
  • Hmm, CNN Q&A is really hyping the hacking going on in support of Assange and #WikiLeaks Interesting, but cyberwar? Yaaaaawn #
  • Seems like #c2e2 is just around the corner! I can't wait to see how it grows in year 2! #
  • Today, I attempted with some success to immerse myself in iPhone stuff. To write good apps, I need to feel, be, and grok the iPhone! #
  • Youngest son (9yo) says the best part of @iPhoneLife magazine is the creating apps part. Another future developer! ^_^ #
  • #IfIHadSuperPowers I'd have the power to change my appearance at will. Great for cosplay and job interviews! LOL #
  • I love being a girl…sometimes! Who's with me?!! LOL #cosplay #crossplay #
  • Woo hoo! My first iPhone app is officially under construction. The Apple developer materials are great. I think this is going to be fun! #
  • Checkin out #AOTS midnight repeat. Sara Underwood, yeah! Russian bungie sledding FTW! #
  • Candace Bailey whipping Chris Gore, yeah, I'm savin that on the TiVo! #AOTS XD #
  • If you have a problem, you must whip it. Whip it good! #devo #bdsm #executivefunctioning LOL #

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