Games and Sports

PSP Porn: Harder! Harder! Too Hard!

Okay, first things first. There is no porn on this site! Nevertheless, my top read post is an item that mentions porn on the psp. Of course most of the traffic is probably due to search engine bots, nevertheless it does once again confirm that one of the most searched for items on the internet is porn (or pr0n 4 l337 dudes). So why am I writing about this? Simple, remember the episode of Sponge Bob Squarepants where Sponge Bob and  Patrick keep saying swear words that are bleeped out by the sounds of dolphins? That was one of the funniest episodes ever and like a kid who enjoys the shock value of using forbidden words, I love screwin with the search engines by using the word porn whenever it is appropriate. LOL

Anyway, I was curious about where the couple of thousand extra hits might be coming from and while searching I came across the PSP Porn blog. The hits weren’t coming from any references there, but it is a pretty cool looking blog. As for web porn on the PSP itself, it isn’t worth the bother because searching for that stuff really requires keying in  a lot of stuff which is a bit of a pain in the PSP web browser and you definitely don’t want to stumble over a graphics heavy site with the PSP because the memory buffer will fill up. It’s just too too hard… Oh I just had to say that!

As for porn on UMDs, I haven’t seen any in the U.S. yet, not that I’ve been looking of course. But if I were to make a wild guess, I would not be too surprised if it showed up in Virgin Megastores within a year. They seem to be trying to cater to the cool stuff niche, and they already carry a good selection of UMD movies which I have not seen elsewhere yet and they already carry adult DVDs. So porn UMDs at Virgin would not be a big stretch. Will I be buying them? Nope, probably not. Not because porn is bad and evil, though a lot of it is, but because most of it is crap! I don’t have a lot of patience with low quality products, even porn. So, have I said porn enough today?

Okay, first things first. There is no porn on this site! Nevertheless, my top read post is an item that mentions porn on the psp. Of course most of the traffic is probably due to search engine bots, nevertheless it does once again confirm that one of the most searched for items on the internet is porn (or pr0n 4 l337 dudes). So why am I writing about this? Simple, remember the episode of Sponge Bob Squarepants where Sponge Bob and  Patrick keep saying swear words that are bleeped out by the sounds of dolphins? That was one of the funniest episodes ever and like a kid who enjoys the shock value of using forbidden words, I love screwin with the search engines by using the word porn whenever it is appropriate. LOL

Anyway, I was curious about where the couple of thousand extra hits might be coming from and while searching I came across the PSP Porn blog. The hits weren’t coming from any references there, but it is a pretty cool looking blog. As for web porn on the PSP itself, it isn’t worth the bother because searching for that stuff really requires keying in  a lot of stuff which is a bit of a pain in the PSP web browser and you definitely don’t want to stumble over a graphics heavy site with the PSP because the memory buffer will fill up. It’s just too too hard… Oh I just had to say that!

As for porn on UMDs, I haven’t seen any in the U.S. yet, not that I’ve been looking of course. But if I were to make a wild guess, I would not be too surprised if it showed up in Virgin Megastores within a year. They seem to be trying to cater to the cool stuff niche, and they already carry a good selection of UMD movies which I have not seen elsewhere yet and they already carry adult DVDs. So porn UMDs at Virgin would not be a big stretch. Will I be buying them? Nope, probably not. Not because porn is bad and evil, though a lot of it is, but because most of it is crap! I don’t have a lot of patience with low quality products, even porn. So, have I said porn enough today?

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