While I was hanging out with my Dad last week I had the opportunity of totally vegging out in front of his huge TV in the basement. Sigh, once again I am reminded that all of my relatives and inlaws have bigger TVs than I do… Eventually I’ll probably buy some giant flat screen TV, not so much because of the higher resolution picture, or to enhance my video games, but because they take up so much less space. Lately I’ve been inspired to cut down on the amount of space eating junk around the house. A flat screen TV would allow me to reclaim some major living room realestate. Unfortunately, what I want is still way too expensive, but once the sets come down to say the $500 USD range, then I’ll get seriously interested. I was tempted a bit by the Xbox 360 launch and the upcoming Playstation 3, but right now I’m thinking of picking up a Nintendo Wii first. The Wii will be a lot less expensive ($250 USD) than those other two consoles, and doesn’t need an HDTV to get the most out of the games. So for now the 32 inch Philips will just have to do!