
Nexus 7 Android SDK USB Driver Download

It always feels like starting over when developing for a new device. If you’re developing apps on Windows for Android and using Google’s Nexus 7 tablet as your hardware test platform, you’ll need to download the USB driver from Asus. It is not currently included in the Android SDK so it has to be obtained from the Nexus 7 hardware OEM, in this case Asus.

nexus7 usb driver download from asus image

I found it there by searching on Nexus 7 on the Asus site. Click on the returned result and then select Android as the OS in the dropdown box. After downloading, open the zip archive and just follow the OEM USB Drivers installation procedure on the Android Developers site.

cosplay Tech

rock the off season

The end of Youmacon marks the beginning of my convention off season which means lots of development projects to turn my attention back to! I’m looking forward to it, especially since some of these are well overdue. Of course I’ll still be tweaking cosplays here and there, but right now no new costumes are planned until Spring at the earliest. Looking back, it was quite a ride. But now it’s time to rock some iOS and Android apps!


My Most Hated Phrase

Yesterday was pretty much an app development bust. I just could not get any traction at all, so I was hoping that today would be better. It has been, but once kids started coming home from school, things started to go off track once more. So as I was out getting school supplies, I thought about how things are going and casually thought, “I’m doing the best that I can.”

But no! I’m not, at least I hope not. I really really hate that expression. This is not the best I can do. I haven’t peaked yet and as long as there is breath in my body, I refuse to surrender! Excuses aren’t going to get these app projects done. So I’ve banished such thoughts as, “doing the best that I can” from my head. The best is yet to come and then be surpassed yet again.