cosplay SciFi and Fantasy

Hailing Frequencies Still Open

With Otakon little over a month away, I’ve kicked off one of my dream cosplay projects. After every cosplay project I wonder if it’s going to be the last one. Is it time to retire from cosplay? Is it time to “grow up”? Well one advantage I had, having started cosplay in earnest at a later age, is that I’m already grown up. Grown up plenty! So to paraphrase one of my lolita friends, as long as my body and looks hold up, I’ll likely keep doing cosplay!

This hobby is just too much fun to me right now and all of the angst and drama that younger people have to contend with is mostly behind me now. It’s kind of funny that so many parents encourage various hobbies and pursuits for their kids as they are growing up, but then seemingly want them to abandon them once they pass some arbitrary age.

Nichelle Nichols as UhuraOkay, enough of that! The new cosplay project in question is Uhura from Star Trek: The Original Series, which to me is just plain ol’ Star Trek. While stuck in bad traffic and rain, I decided to detour to a JoAnn’s on route and when I came out I had most of what I’d need for Uhura’s red minidress uniform. They even had the perfect ribbon for the gold braid!

Today I ordered gogo boots and a uniform insignia. I know you can buy this costume, but it’s more fun for me to make my own. I’m going to use the pattern in my old Star Trek Technical Manual. I’m thinking of making a tricorder prop that I can combine with my iPhone and a custom app I can write to complete the image. I still need to buy a wig and earrings and the right makeup too.

I’m not really planning for this to be done in time for Otakon, but if it is I’ll take it. I’d really like to take this cosplay to Dragon*Con. But it’s not likely I can do that this year, who knows? In any case, Star Trek was my first fandom and oddly enough, Uhura will be the first character I’ve cosplayed where my skin tone actually matched! Not that that is a concern of mine, but it does mark an interesting milestone for me. So cosplay continues. Hailing frequencies are still open sugah!

Nyota Uhura