cosplay Media and Entertainment

Drag Me Drag U

I’ve been watching RuPaul’s Drag U with some interest while awaiting the next season of  RuPaul’s Drag Race in 2011. Drag U is basically a makeover show with drag queens doing the makeovers on genetic women.

I watch it mostly the see my favorite queens from Drag Race. But I must admit, I’m impressed with the show because they don’t take the easy way out. The women who come on the show are not super models by any stretch of the imagination. These are real women like the ones you see on the street everyday, middle aged, overweight, with issues.

The transformations in looks and attitude are striking, but does it last? I thought about this, and at first I had my doubts. But then I remembered the first time I crossplayed at a convention. It took me half an hour to get up enough courage to leave the room. But after that I was on top of the world! It was like I’d discovered this other self that was more confident, and yes, fierce! After that, that other self started leaking into my “normal life” along with the lift I got from her.

So yeah, I can believe that some of the drag-uates of Drag U are going to build on that experience. I did it myself, through the miracle of drag, no less!

Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay

Otakon 2010: Hello Nurse Part II

Saturday is always my day for new cosplays, which this year meant Mahoro! Mahoro made her debut at ACen back in May, but I hadn’t finished styling the wig completely. For Otakon, I finished the wig with two points of hair that stick out at the side and did some other tweaks.

No trouble getting ready today. I got to the h.Naota fashion show only a little late. Really cool styles, and I especially like the fusion of the disgusting with the super cute in some of the outfits. One thing that would prove to be a continuing theme at this year’s Otakon was just how cool the Japanese guests were!

After the show, I got my first picture request, yay! And shortly after that, some jerk pulled the fire alarm somewhere in the convention center leading to the evacuation of over 28000 people into the hot Baltimore summer. Rather than wait outside, I headed back to my hotel room to freshen up, then I went to a cosplay panel in the Hilton which was unaffected by the BCC evacuation.

Once the center reopened, I did some karaoke and then went to the AMV contest. I think I’ve been having more and more fun singing at cons. When I first started, I was so serious. Mistakes just killed me. But now I have so much fun watching others sing and the friends I’ve made over the years, that mistakes don’t matter. I just laugh and go on, which is good since I totally goofed up a verse of the Clannad opening, Megumeru!

The AMV contest was pretty good. But one thing I never understand is why so many people leave when the Romance AMVs start to play. I know a lot of otaku don’t fair so well in affairs of the heart, nevertheless, they missed some sweet AMVs. Oh well… After that I headed over to see the Masquerade. I missed it last year, but with Yoshiki performing during the break, I had an extra incentive to go. The masquerade was okay for the most part. I was especially pleased at the absence of too many yaoi themed skits. And Yoshiki and Sugizo’s two songs did not disappoint. I would have loved to see X Japan in Chicago, but the tickets were just too expensive, so I’ll check out the tour DVD later.

I finished up Saturday with karaoke where I met a friend from last year, Cassandra and I dropped into the Overclockers panel. I had no idea what the Overclockers were, but I had no hope of getting into the rave before it ended so I just decided to try out whatever was nearby. It was fun. I love how there is always so much going on that you can always find something interesting. You just have to be willing to try new things. Afterwards I ran into Cassandra again which was nice as she was looking very cute. (^_^)

I got up early Sunday to make sure I could get one more song in at the OtaCafe. Today’s cosplay was my Toru goth loli nurse uniform. I was pleased, though not surprised to find Omo and The Big N in the OtaCafe ahead of me and thoroughly enjoyed seeing them sing again. I was also pleased to get so many picture requests! I guess nurse uniforms are just one of those timeless classics, LOL. Later I even got an exclamation of Hello Nurse! from some unknown person behind me.

The highlight of the day was the Home Made Kazoku concert. They were great! And I had fun dancing the whole concert, which made up for missing the rave on Saturday night. I really wish the concerts had a mosh pit so that those of us who want to dance, can do so without blocking the people who just want to sit.

So Otakon 2010 came to an end, but wait! There’s more! After the con I finally met up with my friend Rebekah. She totally did not recognize me in costume outside the BCC. We found ourselves talking to each other on cell phones a few feet away from each other! I was very happy to get a chance to show her one of my costumes. Didn’t faze her a bit, in fact she liked it. To make it all complete, some random guy asked for a picture of us together while we were talking.

After that, I hopped in the car with her husband and daughter for a quick ride back to the hotel and change into normal clothes for dinner. Her daughter Lilah is absolutely adorable. It was with great pleasure that I presented her with her first Pikachu plush doll which she carried proudly as we walked past the BCC on the way to the restaurant for dinner. A little girl carrying a Pikachu through a sea of cosplayers, priceless.

My Otakon adventure came to an end with a relatively uneventful drive home until I made a wrong turn. A wrong turn that ultimately saved me a ton of money in tolls without costing me much more time! Yeah, it was a great trip!

Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay

Otakon 2010: Hello Nurse! Part I

Almost a week since returning from Otakon and I still haven’t unpacked my bags completely. I had such a good time, that maybe this is just my way of subconciously prolonging the con. Naaaah, probably just laziness, as my wife might say.

This year’s trip to Otakon was full of interesting foreshadowing. At church in the weeks leading up to my annual solo trip, the sermons were all from Proverbs and full of warnings not to tempted by wayward women! Mmmm, okay, not that this has ever really been a problem. My other worry was about getting a speeding ticket. Well, took care of that before leaving Chicago, by getting one on Wednesday! Needless to say, I was a lot more careful during my 1400 mile round trip to Baltimore.

I got a lot of things done ahead of my departure this year so I got out on the road pretty early, 4am, and made the trip in about 11.5 hours. It was great getting to Baltimore with enough time to hang out. I got through pre-reg pickup in about 10 minutes. This left me enough time to briefly visit with my friend Cathy and her boyfriend before heading off to the MegaTokyo dinner meetup. It was great seeing Omo, The Big N, and everyone again. And this year, I wasn’t too tired to go to Pickles for drinks after dinner.

As usual, it took me about 3 hours to get into costume Friday morning. No matter, I was really excited because I had new, more comfortable, boots this year! Tsubasa Infinity Arc Sakura is one of my favorite cosplays, but I could never stay in it very long because the old boots hurt too much to walk in very long. This time everything felt and looked great, and I got some nice compliments too. Sadly I didn’t get any picture requests, but I didn’t spend a lot of time in the places where that usually happens anyway. And I’m still not quite brave enough to get pictures taken in the photo suite, next year I think I will.

I signed up for karaoke then took off for the Madhouse panel and then the AMV overflow showing. There was some question before the con about whether the overflow would even happen, so I was very happy to see it on the final schedule. I’ve never made the Otakon AMV contest finals, so the overflow is the only chance for my AMV to be seen at the con. I was really happy to see Puri-on on the big screen! After spending so much time making it, I was glad that it looked good on the big screen. And getting a Creator’s pass to see the AMV contest finals is a great perk!

I ended up taking too much time doing other things and missed my turn at karaoke. This turned out to be a good thing though. I signed up again, and while waiting a friend from ACen came in. I’d met Nicole at ACen back in May. She and another friend, Joanna had driven out to Otakon together from Illinois. This was Nicole’s first Otakon and, as it turned out, her first karaoke performance. So when her turn came, she was a little nervous. But my friend Alissa hopped on the stage and helped her out. She sang “I Am A Pioneer” from Tenchi Universe, one of my favorites. Yay! ^^ That’s one of the great things about OtaCafe karaoke, the singers are always so supportive of one another.

After singing, Nicole and I headed for the dealers room. She was looking for a Strike Witches figure and I was hoping to find a couple of friends who are usually working the con there. Unfortunately I didn’t find them, but I did find a cute Pikachu plush that I hoped would be the perfect gift for my friend Rebekah’s daughter. Rebekah lives near Baltimore, and when she found out I came out every year for Otakon, we decided to meet up. I hadn’t seen her in years since she got married and left Chicago. And it would be the first time I’d meet her daughter. Unfortunately, her daughter got sick that day and we wouldn’t get a chance to meet until Sunday after the con.

I spent the rest of Friday getting pictures of cosplayers and going to see the awesome Yoshida Brothers concert. This is why you must go to opening ceremonies if you can. I wouldn’t have even thought to see the Yoshida Brothers if I hadn’t seen their film clip at opening ceremonies. After the concert I went to Voice Actors After Dark. I like how they turned the tables on the fans, where depending on a coin toss, either the fan asked some lewd question or the VAs ask the fan! XD Good show!

The Friday dance was way too crowded, and quite honestly, the music did not appeal to me at all. So I bailed on that after about 15 minutes. Otakon really needs a bigger space for the dance. It just isn’t fun when the only dancing you can do is jumping up and down in place. On that note, I’ll end this tower of text with one of my favorite cosplayer pictures this year. You can see the whole set here.


Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay Media and Entertainment

ACen 2010 the 13th Shockwave Part II

The last month’s been pretty crazy with moving and everything, so I’m finally going to finish this up now. As luck would have it, my family showed up on Saturday while I was trying to get into costume, LOL. I figured it would happen that way, I never get up early enough because I’m out all night at cons. Oh well, just a hazard of having fun! XD

No matter, I wanted to wear my Princess Sakura outfit on Saturday because I wanted to show it to a friend of mine who was coming to her first ACen and was in the fashion show no less. She’s a loli, and my Sakura is about as close to anything loli as my costumes get. So I wanted to see if she liked it. I really love this cosplay, but the boots for it are killers! They look great, but there’s a huge price to pay for it!

After getting the family settled into our room, we all headed out. I wanted to say hi to some friends working in the dealers room in the convention center which also offered a lot of photo ops. On the way I ran into another friend who at first either didn’t recognize me or was totally shocked, but in a good way. She really liked my  costume, not only did she say it looked good, she said I looked like a woman! That’s the highest compliment I can possibly get for this kind of cosplay. (^___^) She looked great too doing a gothic Chii cosplay which you can see in the pics I took.

I guess my cosplay skills are improving, after I left Chii, an older black man took a look at me and said I was “lookin good”. There were two things I wanted to work on for ACen, makeup, and truly owning my characters. Oddly enough, I had been inspired in both by the 2nd season of RuPaul’s Drag Race! I really wanted to totally own my cosplays, and totally enjoy them. Not that I hadn’t been before, but I tend to be a bit reserved. I think that this ACen I was able to really cut loose and enjoy myself.

Makeup-wise, I’d been holding back too much. After watching RuPaul’s queens doing makeup, I think I finally started to get it right. I’m not afraid of the makeup anymore. This time I got my foundation on the right way and added some blush to bring out my cheeks a bit. I think it worked very well, and I discovered that I actually have a pretty face. Maybe that’s a conceit, but it’s a good one to have! I also enhanced my wigs, adding wefts to puff out the bangs more.

Of course none of this changed the fact that those boots were killing my feet. By the time I reached the dealers room, I was sure the boots were filled with blood. So after visiting with a friend who was working there, I found a seat in an empty booth and took a rest. Then it was time to go line up for the fashion show. Standing in that line was pure hell on my feet! But I did learn a few tricks to take the pressure off and got a picture of an awesome femme Spock. <3

The fashion show was interesting, I just wish I could have taken better pictures. In the end, I wasn’t able to meet up with my friend Grace until later after I’d changed out of the torturous boots. But she liked my outfit anyway and was impressed that I had made it myself. She’s pretty cool, and wasn’t in the least bit fazed that I was crossplaying. Yay!

The masquerade filled up as usual, but just as I was about to give up hope, I stumbled upon live video being projected on the hotel lobby wall. So watched there and most of what I saw was pretty good. After that I eventually made it to the hotel where karaoke was going on. It was packed, but I got some more cosplay pics, visited some friends and eventually got to sing. Then to top the night off, I went to the Soap Bubble, still going strong sometime after 2am. I think I ended up out later than I had been the night before, YEAH! It’s nice to know that I can still do stuff like that, heh heh.

Sundays are usually pretty quite. We had breakfast, checked out. Family headed back home and I made my final picture taking rounds. It was a good ACen, more fun for me than last year. Can’t wait to do it again next year!

Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay

ACen 2010 the 13th Shock Wave Part I

It’s been almost a week since Anime Central 2010 and I’m still riding a wave of enjoyment. So I guess that means I had a really good time! I did indeed have a lot of fun at the con. This year I skipped out on the Thursday meetup to see Pandora Boxx at the Berlin Club in Chicago. That was a lot of fun, but a little crazy staying up so late the night before the con, though I do that all the time!

This year I didn’t have the family come out until Saturday to avoid the trouble of school and other engagements. That left me free to cut loose on Friday. After opening ceremonies I got into my Tohru Goth-loli nurse cosplay now with a new bag and shoes and went out to take pictures of cosplayers. Later I went to the concert featuring the Spoony Bards and Aural Vampire. I’ve always loved the Spoony Bards since they started playing in the lobby at ACen years ago. And Aural Vampire was pretty good too.

Next it was time to change into my second and newest cosplay, Mahoro Andou. I hadn’t given this one nearly enough test fittings, so it took some time to get it all together. I was planning to go over to the AMV room in the Double Tree to see AMV Wars Hentai Edition. I had an entry in the contest and thought it would be sort of ironic to go as Mahoro who definitely doesn’t go for anything echi! LOL I also thought it would be pretty funny if I won because I probably couldn’t tell most of my friends about it, much less show them the video.

Well as it turned out, there were only two entries, mine and the defending champ from last year. I was sure I had no chance, but after I saw his video, I had a glimmer of hope because he didn’t really follow the Sexy Magical Girls theme. Then my video played and the crowd really got into it, clapping to the music! They liked it! They really liked it!

The defending champ had a lot of fans in the audience, so in the end I tied with his video. He won the thong, and I won the bra. People were a little shocked when Mahoro got up to accept her prize! But even better than that, prior to that a young woman had called me adorable! <3 After that I watched some more videos before heading back, bra in hand, for the dance where Mahoro danced into the early morning.

Well, I’ll pick this up a little later. In the meantime here are some awesome Sailor Senshi.

Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune

Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay

ACen Just 2 Days Away!

Just two more days until Anime Central! I had hoped to avoid working on costumes at the last minute, but of course at the last minute I am! LOL I had to help my youngest daughter make an Athena costume for the Latin Olympics on Sunday. She’ll probably wear it to ACen too. I just made the skirt and camisole. She made the shield, spear, and is working on the helmet now.

As for my cosplays, I don’t know if I’ll finish Mahoro in time. No matter, I have a finely tuned Tohru, more like tricked out really, ready to go and some others. This year I’ve got more cosplays I’d like to wear than usual. So I may do some mid-day changes. This is going to be sooo much fun!!

Once again, my AMV did not make the cut for the finals. But that’s…okay…*sob* People will still get to see it! And I’ve got one AMV entered in an, *ahem*, adult category as well, a first for me. I hope the people who see them will like my work.

I usually go to the Thursday night meet and greet, but this year that coincides with Pandora Boxx at the Berlin Club, so sadly I’m skipping the meet and greet, probably. I could probably make the meet up, but skip the IHoP portion. It’ll depend on what mood I’m in I guess.

Oooh! Just two days to go!

cosplay Media and Entertainment

RuPaul’s Drag Race

The last few weeks, I’ve become a regular viewer of RuPaul’s Drag Race. I learned of the show from an ad on a CTA bus stop in Chicago’s Loop. So I decided to give it a look and got hooked on it, because all of the episodes are on the web after broadcast on Logo, catching up on the show was pretty easy.

In short, I love this show! I’m not a big fan of so called reality shows in general, they mostly leave me flat. But this one hooked me on a couple of fronts, one, the cosplay element, and two, the crossplay/crossdressing elements and all of the creativity that goes into them. The closest show I’ve seen to this previously was Project Runway. Once I saw that the Queens had to create their own stuff with limited time, this cosplayer was totally onboard. It’s a bit of Project Runway and America’s Next Top Model mixed together with some RuPaul secret sauce thrown in!

Up until last week, I don’t think I had a favorite. I knew I didn’t really like Tyra very much, because, well…she’s a bitch! Sorry, that slipped out. Seriously though, if you close your eyes and just listen, you can’t tell the difference between the Queens and real genetic women! Open your eyes and a lot of times, you still can’t tell! They’re that good, really. And as a crossplayer myself, they’re a bit of an inspiration. My cosplays don’t require much flashy make up, but the attitude of the Queens is something I’ve been missing. You’ve got to really own your characters and show that you’re having a great time to make the best pictures. This is something I hope to take with me to ACen in a few weeks.

After last week’s Rocker Chicks performances, I’ve found my favorite, Pandora Boxx! She’s been sort of flying under the radar, but over the last few weeks just gets better and better. Funny, smart, and wow I loved this outfit! The singing wasn’t the greatest, but her presentation and attitude more than made up for it. She looks great and I really think she has a shot at winning it all!

Watch Gay Video & Lesbian Movies
Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay

Belated Ohayocon 2010 Aftermath

Don’t think I’ve ever been so late posting a con report, but here it goes! After a two year absence, I finally got back to Ohayocon, but it was not easy. I’d been looking forward to going back for a long time, so I planned ahead. But as is all too often the case, things did not go entirely as planned.

First, I had to get a new car. My old car, a 1998 Camaro, had over 100K miles on it. It had been a good car over the years and I took good care of it. But I know from experience that after 100000 miles, some components just start disintegrating. So when the car start running poorly just a week before the con, I knew I wouldn’t be able to rely on it to make the Chicago to Columbus trip. I’ve never been stranded on a convention road trip, and I did not want to start now.

I had hoped to put off a new car purchase for at least another year, but I didn’t want to miss the con, so I went shopping to see if anyone would be crazy enough to give me a car loan. My credit is good, but in this bad economy, I did not hold much hope for  getting a loan fast enough. Well, silly me, I’d forgotten that car dealers want to eat too, so in a few short hours I got a call from a Chevy dealership that was quite interested in my Camaro trade in. I’m still a gear head at heart, so their enthusiasm swayed me, that and the possibility of getting a 2010 Camaro as a replacement.

Long story short, I got a 2010 Camaro with a little “building lockdown due to possible gunman sighting in my office building on the day I need to pick up the new car” drama thrown in for good measure. Oh, and while all this is going on, I’m feverishly finishing up a new costume and tweaking a couple of older ones. I ended up finishing up my maid outfit at the con, derp da derp…

So Friday morning I hit the road, two hours late, in a hot new car. Funny thing is that as much as I wanted to, I never really opened it up all the way. I don’t think I ever exceeded 90 mph. Just too many police out there and states hungry for money to take too many chances. So, for the first time on any con road trip, I actually used the cruise control to keep my speed a respectable 5 to 10 mph over the limit.

Once I found parking, the con’s first challenge was the elevator. This never improved the whole weekend and I ended up climbing an descending a lot of stairs. Brutal! And being hours behind schedule, I had to, gasp, spend a lot more time in normal clothes than usual. These days I feel almost naked at a convention when I’m out of costume.

The first thing I noticed was that Ohayocon was using a lot more of the convention center than the last time I was there. And there were a lot more people at the con than two years ago. Last time, I missed out on karaoke, not this time though. I had a lot of fun singing and enjoying the singing of people I’ve come to know on the con circuit. The combination of karaoke and cosplay is one of the things I enjoy the most about going to anime conventions. (^_^)

I also enjoy dancing my ass off, in costume no less! We also got a preview of a new Pendulum song, courtesy of Greg Ayres. Friday night I didn’t get back to my room until after 3am, a new record for me. The next night I smashed that record and didn’t get back until dawn! XD

The AMV contest was pretty good, and I got to a few panels as well. The one that impressed me the most was Greg Ayres panel. He talked about the heart attack he had last year and how his life had changed since that time. I was really impressed and inspired by his resolve to do what needed to be done to go forward.

As always, I took a lot of pictures of cosplayers which can be seen here. I’ve also put them into a tasty slideshow format with some appropriate theme music. I listened to a ton of I’ve songs on the drive! Needless to say, I had a ridiculous amount of fun at Ohayocon and can’t wait to return next year!

Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay Tech

Youmacon 2009 Cosplay Slideshow Is Up!

Actually, I finally got around to putting together my traditional post convention slideshow last week, but I want to give the WordPress 2.9 improved video embedding a little test. The slideshow is the first video I’ve made on my Mac using iMovie. iMovie is okay, if you haven’t used other, more conventional, video editors. But I found it a bit confusing at first and later too limiting. Still, for a simple slideshow, iMovie is fine. But I’ll be sticking to Sony Vegas 8 for my bigger projects. Yeah, it means booting Windows, but I’m not in the mood to spend a lot of money moving to a native Mac solution and having to learn a new tool. I still hope there will be a Mac OS X version of Sony Vegas some day.

Anyhow, here’s the slideshow!

Hmm, in the end I still had to put in the object code by hand to embed the video. Just putting in the link only gives a link… Well I’ll look into it some more later… Maybe it doesn’t like Chrome.


Cosplay Dreams In Color

This morning I had the strange revelation that my dreams often have multiple, secret bases so to speak. Last night’s had two such places that I was using to change from one outfit into another. I thought about this and remembered other such dreams having either additional offices or apartments almost like safe houses in their use.

I don’t have any conventions coming up until Ohayocon in January, so it’s a little early to start the preconvention cosplay dreams. Oh well, who controls the subconcious? At least my dreams are in color!

Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay Media and Entertainment

Youmacon 2009 Aftermath

In short, I had a pretty good time at this year’s Youmacon. I didn’t have any new costumes to finish, so no morning of con rush to finish and get out the door this year! Instead I had a bunch of stuff at the office blow up on me. But I cleaned that up in time to go. Happy days!

After a lot of thought, I decided not to cosplay on Thursday night. I had been toying with doing the OL version of Mikuru, but decided against it in part because no one would likely recognize it as cosplay. So normal me just had to do, which is fine…usually.  The pre-reg pickup was reasonably quick once the line got moving. After that I had to great pleasure of chatting with a couple of friends who I had been looking forward to seeing at Youmacon. Later I went to the How to Con panel, which was hilarious, followed by the Sera Myu panel which was…interesting. Let’s just say I wasn’t expecting Sailor senshi dancing. The Sailor Mercury was quite cute though!

Friday was Mikuru cosplay day! I was happy the socks I had wanted came in time and I think it went over pretty well. Not too many pic requests though since the Haruhi craze is pretty much over. The highlights of the day for me were really the AMV contest, karaoke, and the AMV dance that night. I still don’t get people who go to dances and just watch other people dance. And I felt sorry for those guys wandering about looking for girls to dance with. Just dance! I still don’t know if my AMV entry won or not, but it was fun seeing it on the big screen.

Saturday is the biggest day of any con. For me it means getting out my newest costume. I’d tuned up my Princess Sakura and entered the Hall Cosplay competition. As always, I enjoyed telling the judges all about the costume and what went into making it. And I got some very positive feedback. And feeling more daring than usual, I followed there suggestion to get some professional pictures taken by the photographer they had for the event just down the hall. After that, I joined the CLAMP cosplay shoot in the very humid pool room. It was fun! I always worry that I’m messing up the shoot, but I tend to be a little over critical of my cosplays. Other people seem to think they are pretty good, so I should just chill a bit.

Last year, I missed a lot of the guest, so I wanted to make up for that this time around. I went to the Yugioh: The Abridged Series panel, and a little later, partially by accident, attended the Team 4 Star, of DBZ: Abridged,  panel as well. I ended up changing a lot of my plans in order to avoid ridiculously long waits in line. The 4 inch heeled boots I was in were not made for long periods of standing. And my outfit was definitely not made for sitting on the floor too long either.

As a result of this, like some divine retribution/irony, I ended up in standing room only at the Masquerade. Since standing just wasn’t going to work, I found myself sitting on the floor, unfortunately on top of my belted right leg. After half an hour in this position that leg went to sleep and I couldn’t feel it at all! So I stood up not knowing if I was going to topple over or not. Soon, the feeling came back and a short time later, at the end of the skits, some seats opened up and I was able to sit down. The Masquerade skits and costumes were quite good on the whole with a minimum of puerile yaoi skits, thank goodness!

I had planned to go to the Saturday night rave, but things were behind schedule and I had absolutely no desire to wait in any more lines. I’d already changed out of the boots and into flats, so walking and standing were no longer problems. I mainly wanted to make sure I didn’t miss my chance to sing. So I spent a big chunk of the night in the karaoke room enjoying the singing of an old con friend and some very very lively young women! I capped off the night with a few hilarious hours watching hentai in the VAT room.

Sunday is usually a sad con day for me because it marks the end of the fun. This Sunday was a little different though because I had a good time getting omiyage (souvenirs) for the family. And I met up with some more con friends that I had been wanting to see. I went to the Laura Bailey panel too. She is a super sweet heart! And at the panel, I met a young lady who I’d seen in Cosplay Shougi the day before, but didn’t have a chance to get a picture then. She sat down right next to me and agreed to pose for the picture below in which she is cosplaying Kuradoberi Jam from the Guilty Gear video game.

I had a great time at Youmacon! But it was time to go home, besides I had gifts for everyone deliver. Hopefully I can go again next year!

Kuradoberi Jam


Reactor 2009 Aftermath: The End

Last week I attended what would turn out to be the last Reactor convention. A variety of things ultimately led to its demise, but I have to say that overall, I had a good time at the last Reactor. I’m sorry to see it go because it was close, a little rowdy sometimes, and a place where I could try out new things on a smaller scale. Reactor was the first con I cosplayed at. This year I entered Fantabulous, my first cosplay stage event! I was nervous as hell! But I managed to strut my stuff across the stage in 4 inch heels without falling off the stage! Yay!

So let’s see, I sang. I danced. And I cosplayed. Oh and I took  as many pictures as I could because with so few people at the con (only a few hundred), I had a feeling that not many pictures would be taken of anyone, much less make it on the net. Here’s a Haruhi bunny! Rest in peace Reactor.

Haruhi Bunny

Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay

Otakon 2009 Slideshow

The last act in my con going is usually the slideshow set to some appropriate music. Finally got around to it. It took a while to decide on the music and quite honestly, I guess I didn’t really want it to end.

Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay

Otakon 2009 Out-takes

It’s over a week after Otakon but suddenly I’m remembers some weird stuff that I want to record for posterity…I guess. So here are what I call Otakon Out-takes.

The pre-reg line was ridiculous, but I’m used to waiting in lines so toughing that out is pretty easy. But what I could not escape was the drama unfolding between the young couple right in front of me. It started out with the usual kissy face every five minutes but somewhere along the way it turned ugly. Apparently something to do with the rollon bag the guy was pulling. Next came tears and sobs from the girl as she says she was trying to make things easier for him. Him trying to offer a consolation hug and explain how he wasn’t being a jerk. Pro-tip young guys: At this point it doesn’t matter if you are wrong or right, apologize and move on! I so wanted to tell him that, but I was doing my best to not notice what was going on. I have no idea how it all turned out.

The next bit of weirdness happened on Friday night while I was returning to my hotel room for a break and to freshen up before the dance. While waiting at the elevator, a young woman tells me that I make a terrible Mikuru. This may or may not be true, but I’ve heard more good about my Mikuru than bad, so whatever… I ignored this and continued my wait when from behind she lifts my skirt to see my panties! WTF! I turn and calmly tell her that that’s rather a rude thing to do. She tells me that I should be wearing striped panties and further informs me that she will be wearing striped panties the next day if I care to check. At this point it seemed pretty clear that she was probably drunk as she disappeared into another elevator with her friends.

Saturday was the big debut for the Princess Sakura cosplay I’d been working on feverishly to finish the last two weeks before the con. I was worried about walking in boots with 5 inch heels and other aspects of the costume. I was happy to make it to Panel 4 in time for the Crispin Freeman Q and A without falling over and had a seat on a nearby bench. Here on the bench I proceeded to have a pretty normal conversation with someone’s dad who was waiting for his son to come out of another panel. It must have looked a little strange to passersby since once I started speaking it was pretty obvious that I was not female. In any case, he was cool with it. However the guy I was soon standing in line behind seemed completely weirded out. He almost jumped 6 inches when I got in line! I successfully suppressed the urge to giggle!^^

So that’s it I think. Another, the 5th, interesting Otakon adventure is in the books. So now I’ll hunt around for pics of my cosplays and check out video of events I couldn’t go to, then it’ll be time to get ready for Youmacon!

Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay

Otakon 2009 Aftermath

Almost a week has passed since I began yet another excellent Otakon adventure. I can scarcely believe I’ve been driving there and back from Chicago every summer for the past 5 years. Happily, this year that driving did not involve getting a speeding ticket!

All in all I had a ridiculously good time. Things got off to a less than stellar start though with a 90 wait in the pre-reg line. This lead to my missing dinner with the Mega Tokyo crowd and I also skipped the pub meetup which due to the pre-reg line delay started a lot later than I could stay up. But from those hiccups came the secret of my Otakon 2009 fun, think different!

I decided to do things a little differently this year, go to some different panels than I might normally choose. I was not disappointed. I saw Kikuko Inoue, soooo cute! Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, awesome! And Crispin Freeman, cool cool cool! MELL concert, OMG!

The main changes I made were skipping the rave and masquerade on Saturday night in favor of other things. Friday night’s rave was so crowded I literally could not dance and what little room I had left was taken up by the break dancing circles. The final straw was the truly horrid mix played by the DJ during the time I was there. It was the same beat over and over again. So, given the extra 5000 people that seemed to be present, I doubted Saturday would be any better.

I ended up using the Otacafe and karaoke as my main activity hub between panels and taking pics of cosplayers and showing off my own cosplays. I’m sooo happy at how well received my Princess Sakura cosplay was! I worked late night for two weeks straight finishing up the costume before the con. But the boots totally killed my feet, lol! Looking back, I must have walked a mile in those boots before returning to my room to change into my flats and hose as planned. I knew the boots could be trouble, so bought some matching flats at the last minute.

The gothic lolita look must really suit me, because I got a good number of compliments and picture requests. And I think there was even one guy who seemed to particularly like me dressed up this way… I was so happy with the outfit and the reaction that I wore it again on Sunday.

I usually shop and try to get in some last karaoke on Sunday. I got to sing two more songs that day, including the very last song of the con before the Otacafe shut down. That still gives me a warm glow because everything was nearly perfect. I sang Shizukana Yoruni from Gundam Seed which is one of my favorites and went well with my Princess Sakura cosplay.

In the end, there are always a billion things I would have liked to have done, but couldn’t. But that’s just life anyway. I had a really good time meeting old friends, making some new ones, and doing the things I enjoy the most. What more can anyone ask for from life?
